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  • Before: Oct 21, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    the idea of Angloid war freaks having to delve into Lenin’s collected works to formulate their next moves is something of a refreshing irony in all of this
  2. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    from the major-label-video-budget-era late screaming trees. I’ve always had a huge soft spot for this song, it still holds up. and it has maybe the most ridiculous organ solo of the twentieth century.
  3. T

    People Who Died

    it’s really shitty news, I feel terrible for everyone who knew the guy, who worked with him, who loved what he did. I feel particularly bad for hey colossus — they put out an amazing album in 2020, with lanegan as a guest vocalist on a couple of tracks. because of the pandemic they’ve basically...
  4. T

    People Who Died

    fuck, poor guy
  5. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    also... it’s a joke account, but... a lot going on here
  6. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    no more nord stream 2 — so basically the americans have firmly shoved the germans back into line. this probably makes a full russian occupation of ukraine slightly more likely in the short term. which is insane. grim grim grim. edit: scholz is saying the pipeline “can’t now be certified,” not...
  7. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    yeah it’s really crappy nineteenth-century-style great-power stuff. and seems like it’s going to get worse before it gets better. regardless of whether you lay more blame towards vlad or towards nato, it’s grim that it’s ordinary people in ukraine who will be stuck dealing with it.
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    decent overview here of the nord stream 2 situation
  9. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    ...he comes out with nothing so maybe he splits the difference and semi-invades, by evacuating all the civilians out of donetsk/luhansk, and replacing them with militias, and then have the russian army proper just sit back and do all the logistics from afar? I mean he has to do *something*, right?
  10. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    the whole raft of stories a few days back about ukrainian grandmothers taking up rifles seemed almost like the perfect viral story for the anti-putin, pro-west set. and it pretty much got reported uncritically — front page photos, zippy articles about civil training and democratic resolve...
  11. T

    What movie did you watch last night? with a couple of friends and we were talking afterwards about when, exactly, that song became cheesy. part of the problem is that the song *is* actually amazing, it’s just been killed through over-use, and terrible covers, and a sort of emotional genericisation. it was first released in...
  12. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    the edukators meh I was surprised to read online afterwards how many awards and things the movie got. it’s not a good movie. it’s mediocre.
  13. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    would be kind of funny if we woke up on wednesday to the news that moldova has invaded the other end of ukraine
  14. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    the point made in this article — that the probable real target of pressure here is germany — is ultimately an explanation that fits the facts. if germany announced tomorrow that they’re shutting down nord stream 2, this whole thing would evaporate fairly fast
  15. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    the british empire was just a self-evidently logical arrangement for creating greater prosperity throughout the king’s realms.
  16. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    members of the SPD in germany still call each other comrade, as part of their century-long effort to irritate communists
  17. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    future history books will tell of how the russian invasion of donegal was the real surprise of the 2030s
  18. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    sure, totally benign, happy just doing a bit of marching and a few parades, never causes any trouble I think it’s difficult for us to understand, historically, just how bonkers an organisation nato is
  19. T

    The WTF Thread
  20. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    1950–1990: why does nato exist? because of commies! 1990–1998: why does nato exist? because of... *shrugs* 1999–2022: why does nato exist? to... bomb serbia? to invade the north atlantic nation of afghanistan? and then... to... help invade iraq? except for a few of us? to interfere in... sierra...