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  • Before: Oct 21, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Gleaners and I Agnes Varda being very charming and french and poetic, while scrounging potatoes. it’s great.
  2. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    ok I started writing a big old reply here saying that you’re wrong because of X, Y, and Z, but half-way through I got so depressed at the idea of arguing about atrocity propaganda and nazi shit that I just gave up and deleted it. I can still try to make those points, if you’re interested, but at...
  3. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    yep, that’s partly why I said I was dreading pointing this out. but I suppose the difference here is that I don’t think that there will ever be some kind of neat settling-of-accounts “after the war.” if anything, the more capable parts of the ukrainian far-right will simply be integrated into a...
  4. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I’m dreading any response to this because the video really is horrific and I have no desire to defend the russian invasion. the problem is that there is now a more-or-less open western proxy war in Ukraine, which will not only kill and destroy many thousands of humans, but it will also...
  5. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    the video is by a woman called Julia Paevska back in 2019, a different universe, it was still acceptable for mainstream journalists to to call her what she is: an ultranationalist taken from an article in January 2019 by those renowned tankie Putinists, the Pulitzer Center...
  6. T


    the yanks are starting to get annoyed again. some real twitter-diplomacy heavy weaponry here to get through the heads of some dimwit tories. there’s a whole thread.
  7. T

    Eurovision 2022

    yeah it reminds me in a way of the pastels or the vaselines or something in that vein. the sound of not giving a shit and/or not having had time for a soundcheck
  8. T


    oh you already posted it doh
  9. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    in case you haven’t all seen it yet
  10. T

    Getting google to find a new website

    get other sites to link to the new site easier said than done, I know
  11. T

    Northern Ireland

    over the last couple of years, it’s been interesting to note the rise of the term “PUL community” (“protestant-unionist-loyalist community”) in norniron. for some of the people using it, it seems essentially like they’re rehearsing the use of the term as a possible future new identity within...
  12. T

    Northern Ireland

    yep, that’s how it began — at least as far as I know (please thumped historians jump in!) — and then the whole thing became supercharged in the mid-19th century through a triangular trade pattern. opium came out of afghanistan, went to china. tea came out of china, went everywhere, but...
  13. T

    Northern Ireland

    speaking of the union jack... when the brits were literally running a global drug cartel in the mid 19th-century by flooding china with opium, the chinese called the union jack the “rice-character flag” — because it superficially resembled the chinese character for the word rice (which I just...
  14. T

    Northern Ireland

    maybe a hand-drawn slayer logo too
  15. T

    Northern Ireland

    add a hammer and sickle and clip art of bart simpson smoking a joint and we’re good to go
  16. T

    Northern Ireland

    answer 1: poetic license answer 2: poetic license as a way to overcome the cognitive dissonance of confronting the paradoxes of a symbol that was designed to explicitly include all prominent communities in the hopes of creating a civic form of republicanism based around french revolutionary...
  17. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    in fairness I liked that thing she did where she was having the staring competitions with people in moma
  18. T

    Minor Pleasures

    Ah, I’m columbiahalle, but sure I’ll be around anyway, let’s have a bier
  19. T

    Minor Pleasures

    I’ll be there too, give us a wave
  20. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    up until now, germany has been *extremely* reluctant to give serious weapons to the ukrainians. so, while the US and UK (and poland and plenty of other countries) have been giving them rockets and stuff, the germans have basically been hanging back, desperate for any excuse to try to slow things...