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  • Before: Oct 21, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I think this is basically true. also the longer this has gone on, the less reliable the institute for the study of war have become. this recent line in particular was sort of ridiculous: “Ukrainian forces [...] probably aim to force the Russian offensive to culminate prematurely” — they can’t...
  2. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Maeve short impression: it was fantastic and everyone should watch it longer thoughts: Ireland in the early 80s was not a fun place for a lot of people. the movie is set in Belfast (and was filmed there! how the fuck did they manage that?!?!) and tells a story of a young woman figuring a whole...
  3. T


    it’s a bit weird seeing the media attempt to adapt to a sudden re-emergence of real class politics in the UK. they all made their careers in a blair-cameron era of anti-politics. now Mick Lynch goes on TV and laughs in their faces and they realise they can’t just pretend he doesn’t exist or...
  4. T

    pride vs rte

    It’s not a conspiracy to say that someone is paying the bills for their nice neat media presence. I also explicitly said that I was pointing this out external to any debate on the merit of the arguments, and so this is not about who “disagrees” with me or anyone else. in all honesty, this is...
  5. T

    pride vs rte

    just off the top of my head, that countess site has all the look of a fake grassroots front that has a lot of money from somewhere to try to make it all look less fake. organisations don’t just magically have all that nice neat branding, message-consistency, well-maintained social media, branded...
  6. T

    Wow, I have just discovered...

    I’m just amazed that the URL at the end still works
  7. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    a guess: there will soon be a russian breakthrough in donbass, followed by possibly some kind of coup against zelensky or similar upheaval, followed by a new phase of who-the-fuck-knows-what
  8. T


    ok I think you’re living with some kind of looney-tunes version of the twentieth century bouncing around inside your head, which must be pretty exhausting. but I’m tempted to go full-on devil’s advocate here just out of a sort of soft trollishness. so — communism? you mean, the only social...
  9. T

    Not Ireland

    hi peeps, I have my 9-euro-ticket and it’s fucking great it’s not just for certain routes or times or any of that shit. the only practical limitations are that you can’t go on the super-fancy inter-city-express trains, and you have to pay a normal bike ticket if you want to bring a bike. other...
  10. T

    You know you're getting old....

    I saw that there was a news story that the ukrainians had managed to kill another russian general. oof, I thought, another tough day for the auld russian army. then I went a couple of paragraphs further and realised that the general was... younger than me. wtf.
  11. T


    well it is on the sovereign territory of a communist country so I suppose technically that makes it a gulag, right
  12. T


    soviet_anthem_extra_super_loud.wav so when are we going to get back to whinging about airports
  13. T


    maybe he’s auditioning for a fox news slot
  14. T


    ok man
  15. T

    What gig did you go to last night?

    the band that turned moshing into a maths problem
  16. T


    this was the book. the author is one of the bungacast crew and is some class of cantankerous trotskyist or something but I remember being struck by the power of the thought experiment
  17. T


    ...america (as seemed quite likely at the time). it basically starts out with the thought experiment of a peaceful communist world, which nonetheless *still* has to solve climate change, and imagines how there could be global collaboration on these kinds of questions if we weren’t all paralysed...
  18. T

    Major Pleasures

    saw shellac last night, with a few friends — first “real” gig in over two years — and it was great. I’ve seen them a load of times, so it all felt very comfortingly familiar. the surrealist uncles party piece showtime noise rock brechtian cabaret jamboree. but one of the friends I was there with...
  19. T


    “proles, abandon your aspirations! travel is a moral failing! get back to work!”
  20. T

    Monkeypox - Better call Sol - MonkeyMANIA

    apparently it started after all the bitcoin weirdos started buying those monkey jpegs