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  • Before: Oct 21, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    pride vs rte

    I’m sure at least one of luther’s 95 theses was about the administrative organisation of church of ireland teacher training courses, we should probably check
  2. T

    Mingus and Parker Fuck for Breakfast - The late 80s to mid 90s Amphetamine Reptile and Skingraft Noiserock Thread

    also, while we’re chewing on oxbow... I used to be in a band with a person who shall remain nameless but who used to post here a bit. he loves oxbow. he has a giant oxbow tattoo across his chest. he went to an oxbow gig. he went to the merch stand and asked if they’d give any freebies to people...
  3. T

    Mingus and Parker Fuck for Breakfast - The late 80s to mid 90s Amphetamine Reptile and Skingraft Noiserock Thread

    I realise I’m actually posting stuff that’s all from this side of the year 2000, not sure if that’s breaking the rules anyway menfolk were a great band from denmark with a sort of silly name; this track has the greatest noise-rock drum solo of all time
  4. T

    Mingus and Parker Fuck for Breakfast - The late 80s to mid 90s Amphetamine Reptile and Skingraft Noiserock Thread

    and I don’t know if we’re allowed to count my disco as noise-rock but they are simply one of the best bands on the planet so here we go
  5. T

    Mingus and Parker Fuck for Breakfast - The late 80s to mid 90s Amphetamine Reptile and Skingraft Noiserock Thread

    and this shallow north dakota track from 2003 is just epic
  6. T

    Mingus and Parker Fuck for Breakfast - The late 80s to mid 90s Amphetamine Reptile and Skingraft Noiserock Thread

    more recent german noiserock from last year — sounds like it could have been done in 1990, but I still love it
  7. T

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    it’s been pretty strange to watch the spread of “decolonised” as a term among some people I know (and generally in the culture)
  8. T


    I also find this kind of thing curiously inspiring he’s a prick, but at least he’s a consistent prick! stick to your guns, internet clown! probably because I have more or less exactly the same instinct
  9. T

    Mingus and Parker Fuck for Breakfast - The late 80s to mid 90s Amphetamine Reptile and Skingraft Noiserock Thread

    yeah brainbombs are apparently from sweden edgelord misogynist lyrics because it was the 90s trumpet because trumpet
  10. T

    Mingus and Parker Fuck for Breakfast - The late 80s to mid 90s Amphetamine Reptile and Skingraft Noiserock Thread

    I used to work in a bar with a ukrainian maniac noise dude and we would do little experiments about what sludge noise stuff to play to get people out at the end of the night... anyway that’s how I came to know about brainbombs
  11. T

    Fugazi - In on the Kill Taker (1993)

    ah, the slogans-poems spectrum rears its confusing head again
  12. T


    the maddest thing about it all is that he basically single-handedly destroyed the progressive democrats in 2007, the basis of his own power and influence. so by any objective measure, the guy is a colossal loser. but, similar to boris and other chancers, he magically fails upwards into having a...
  13. T


    that crazy country just never stops with the ideological hammer-blows required to ensure the security of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie... it’s really quite remarkable to watch how efficient it is
  14. T

    US politics

    josh rogin’s brother-in-law is slipknot’s drummer, so he should have no trouble commissioning a cool soundtrack for his neoliberal armageddon
  15. T


    ...thrown around as a deliberate diss. the idea being that if you are the kind of person that thinks of yourself as “popeable,” you for sure should *not* be pope. and in china, they have a nationwide cadre system that is more-or-less designed to weed out the wannabe napoleons. that’s why, when...
  16. T


    it’s notable that both the catholic church and the chinese communist party have elaborate systems in place explicitly to *prevent* the advancement of ambitious careerist strivers, in order to avoid exactly these kinds of situations
  17. T


    there’s a certain kind of ambitious student-politics eager striver that just spends their whole lives as a kind of political performance. I remember being profoundly repelled by them when I was in university. most of them age out of it eventually, but a few really commit (some of the ones I knew...
  18. T


    (makes me idly wonder if there’s a sensible centrist niche on teen tiktok... probably is, it seems somehow inevitable)
  19. T


    probably a load of youtubers and tiktokers that we’ve never heard of
  20. T

    pride vs rte

    can’t wait for the episode of reeling in the years thirty years from now with a snippet about people ambushing each other online about “womanface”