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  • Before: Oct 21, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    audioslave are beyond rescue; I say this as a dyed-in-the-wool defender of the glorious legacies of both soundgarden and RATM but I remember someone on thumped telling a story years ago about some friend of theirs who had used the name audioslave back in the 90s, and basically they got a nice...
  2. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    as much stand-up comedians as musicians — not intended as a put-down! gustaf are perhaps their contemporary inheritors
  3. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    meanwhile, another canonical entry
  4. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    hmm hmmmmmmm I suppose I’d be inclined to put this into some kind of post-springsteen major-label-americana type of category, more so than the alt-rock/mtv-grunge/90s-rock bucket. but... noted for the archives nonetheless.
  5. T

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    ...german armed forces outside germany since 1945). so the “realos” not only crushed the “fundis” internally, but they also ended up being a critical *pro-war* voice in german politics, and have remained so to this day. like their symbol is a fucking flower but they were the actual people to...
  6. T

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc. there’s a sort of fantasy among lefty types, where they all believe that the green party in their own country is bad, but that green parties in *other* countries are sort of good-ish; but it’s actually never true, green parties everywhere are professional-managerial bourgeois...
  7. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    meanwhile, I submit this specimen, and argue the case that it can be included as mtv grunge. also I still think this *video* is kind of fantastic — of course it’s a very 90s-grunge aesthetic, all the blues and greens, the out-of-focus bits, the jumpy zooms and pans. but I really love it, and it...
  8. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    so who among ye was at the white zombie/soundgarden gig in the RDS in 1995? I remember that I was big into soundgarden at the time, but they did a cover of waiting for the sun in their set, and I was just old enough to have started to regard the doors as terminally cringe, so I started doubting...
  9. T

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    though northern ireland is really just the belgium of the north atlantic archipelago
  10. T

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    the northern ireland of eastern europe
  11. T

    What movie did you watch last night?
  12. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Oh yeah, I can totally imagine giving it a serious close watch second or third go, I just need to take maybe a decade or so to calm down first
  13. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    victoria one of the best movies I have ever seen I will never watch it again
  14. T

    Hitpiece, NFTs, and other music on the blockchain nonsense

    fair enough dude I really truly hope there can be something, anything, useful and hopeful coming out of this, I really do
  15. T

    Hitpiece, NFTs, and other music on the blockchain nonsense

    I dunno man, here’s a bunch: the point is that starting your own blockchain platform from scratch is hard work for nerds, but starting your own token is easy if you just leech off ethereum or one of the other big players. so for every “real” new blockchain platform, there’s a hundred...
  16. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    Lili understands the thread
  17. T

    Hitpiece, NFTs, and other music on the blockchain nonsense

    also I do actually reckon that there is still the possibility that some tiny corner of crypto nonsense will actually end up being useful in some way, but jesus christ it’s mostly an ocean of bullshit right now
  18. T

    Hitpiece, NFTs, and other music on the blockchain nonsense

    apart from that, I wonder if the NFT craze has actually meaningfully altered the center of gravity of all the grifting in the world. your local small-time corrupt official or minor criminal can probably get a better return on investment doing crypto-scamming than they can fencing stolen phones...
  19. T

    Hitpiece, NFTs, and other music on the blockchain nonsense

    most “sustainable” chains are just sidechains of ethereum as for ethereum “undergoing a transition” to proof of stake... lol it’s been successfully avoiding this transition for about seven years now
  20. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    hmm ok, I’ll allow it