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  • Before: Oct 21, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T


    car26?! *spit* free-staters car32 or nothing!
  2. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I think that the russians are going to launch a pretty huge counterattack in november and upset everyone’s expectations all over again. like they’re in the middle of equipping an extra 300,000 lads, they’ve got to do something with them. china and india have just closed their embassies in...
  3. T


    I can well imagine that boris is making a few speculative phone calls this evening
  4. T

    33 and a turd

    I wanted to see if the 33 1/3 books have a website and I ended up instead on the wikipedia page for the series 33 1/3 - Wikipedia I realised that in looking through the list, it’s easy to take potshots at it for being too rockist, too canonical, too pop, whatever else. but I also realised...
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    Minor complaints thread

    or straight outta compton
  6. T

    Hellworld Thread

    first person to release an ambient post-rock album with the nord stream 2 oopsie as the cover wins a special prize
  7. T


    as they hurtle headlong into further upcoming collisions with reality over the upcoming Trussian winter
  8. T


    three weeks in and Truss has already killed the queen and destroyed the currency — she moves fast, gotta hand that to her
  9. T

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine (i.e., the “demilitarisation” part of the justification for the invasion) than they are in gaining territory. not to say that they aren’t *also* interested in territory, but that’s not the main priority for them right now. however, if the ukrainians manage to launch a third offensive...
  10. T


    we just need the Chinese or the Russians or whoever to figure out a way to put charles in a coma, but not kill him, and then the UK will be stuck with andrew in charge, followed by intermediate unclear part, followed by English republic with David Attenborough as elected head of state
  11. T

    Definitely not a Betty Windsor thread

    I sure hope that coffin is refrigerated
  12. T

    The Gareth Brooks thread

    in fairness there haven’t been any reports of attempted assassinations... yet
  13. T


    I really hope they stick with their queer tradition of gendering the country in juxtaposition to the reigning monarch and switch their name to the united queendom now
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    Definitely not a Betty Windsor thread

    have to do a flight transfer in heathrow next week and now I’m worried it’s going to be even more of a nightmare
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    Definitely not a Betty Windsor thread

    well it’s what everyone does as they file past lenin, so fair enough i says
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    Definitely not a Betty Windsor thread

    uh-oh, royalistbot malfunction
  17. T

    Definitely not a Betty Windsor thread

    yeah I was there earlier, so much stink-eye off them, you’d swear they’ve never seen a life-size papier-mache model of a guillotine before
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  19. T


    yeah I can only imagine that the lads in the kremlin are probably mildly happy with the outcome. idiot new UK PM, multiple crises in britain, lots of pointless culture-warring to come but no fundamental addressing of real problems — probably suits them fine
  20. T

    Minor complaints thread

    I applied to an artist residency thing — and the judging panel included scott gorham from thin lizzy! except it wasn’t, it was another guy with the same name oh well