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  • Before: Jul 23, 2007
  • Users: Beanstalk
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  1. Beanstalk

    Dragon's Den: RAAARWWRRR

    "A good heart these days is hard to find..."
  2. Beanstalk

    New Bands

    If you like Minus the Bear you might* like Supersystem. * should
  3. Beanstalk

    the music center is crap

    I feel I have been duped into reading your advertisement, by a misleading heading. From now on, everytime I see "scomper" I will think of the leather couches in the Music centre. I hope you're happy with yourself now. :(
  4. Beanstalk

    Songs by one band that sound like another band.

    Wire. I think there were lawsuits.
  5. Beanstalk

    Setting up yr own label question

    What if you don't want to go down the CD route...just solely online downloads. I thought they had done away with the rule saying you need a physical CD in order to chart?
  6. Beanstalk

    Setting up yr own label question

    So you need an EAN barcode to chart right? So do you need to set up a label to associate an EAN barcode with? It costs a few euro to get an official EAN it the general DIY/Thumped approach to ignore the rigmaroll associated with charting/barcodes and just release the CD/MP3s...
  7. Beanstalk

    Crap songs by talented people

    "oh my baybee..." Makes a good lullaby alright...puts me to sleep anyway.
  8. Beanstalk

    Crap songs by talented people

    Well now that's just silly talk. "Tender" by Blur...borrrring.
  9. Beanstalk

    Strapping centre forwards

  10. Beanstalk

    Strapping centre forwards

    Built like a tank though.
  11. Beanstalk

    Strapping centre forwards

    Viduka Baptista Drogba Kanu Carew Martins Mido and the monster... Harewood
  12. Beanstalk

    Help unsigned band to number 1 Results of the GAA schools inter-county Karoke... No. 2 21 Demands No. 8 Scuba Dice No. 20 David O' Connor No. 25 Maeve O Donovan A great turnout this year lads...Tea and sandwiches back at the clubhouse.
  13. Beanstalk

    Aidan Walsh in Totally Dublin

    "By the powersh of greyschkull..."
  14. Beanstalk

    This is where we post pictures of cool robots... no talking... just cool robots...

    Re: This is where we post pictures of cool robots... no talking... just cool robots.. Robot in disguise...
  15. Beanstalk

    Help unsigned band to number 1

    Pay the bills??? Most of those "You're a Star" folk are children in school.
  16. Beanstalk

    Plugin/program for getting some quick+dirty drums stuff happening.

    Hardware or software? A Keyboard + Reason/BFD.
  17. Beanstalk

    Bored in Work 24-7

    Wire frame car
  18. Beanstalk

    Help unsigned band to number 1

    At least with Six they made the effort to actually record the single professionally...these You're a Star downloads are just takes of them singing on the show...RTE = worst live sound ever.
  19. Beanstalk

    Help unsigned band to number 1

    Ah, Mickey Joe...we've got the world tonight...good least MJ had a bit of talent...even the girl who won it last year was pretty talented too. But this years batch...!bog
  20. Beanstalk

    Help unsigned band to number 1

    This is really a new low in the irish music industry...when a karoke live performance can get to no. 1. I dip in and out of that You're a Star show and have not seen anyone who resembles a "Star"...its like a school competition...or a hurling match where everyone gets behind their...