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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    ***Papercop gig this Friday***

    Cheers CK, you cheered me up. Hag I'll mail you now. Kirstie it's (Herv, Formika and others + multimedia stuff) on in the Music Centre. I'm not sure what time it kicks off at. I'm not sure how much it is, but the numbers 5 and 7 keep cropping up in my mind. From this I infer that it starts at...
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    golden - apollo stars

    Would Summer be any good for you?
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    Arse..... Yep, looks like I am thinking of something else. I'll see if I can root it out at the weekend.
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    ***Papercop gig this Friday***

    Vermicious Knids BTW...anyone going to see Herv and Formika tonight?
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    ***Papercop gig this Friday***

    !ninjaaaa !ninjaaaa !ninjaaaa !ninjaaaa Hiyaa Due to a booking cancellation in the International for this Friday, Papercop will be playing a gig. It will be €5 admission, and will start early, probably around 7. We'll be playing music and dj'ing for as long as we can. If you're going...
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    Grin crusher I just found Hardcore Holocaust II on's not the one I remember, but it looks absolutely amazing. I'm definitely going to look for it. The one I remember had Doctor and the Crippens doing Blitzkrieg Bop, and Septic Death and stuff like that. It had a lighter...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    :) yep, Larm are totally deadly. Siege is another in the long line of good hardcore bands I've never got to hear, through laziness mainly. I never send away for stuff. What's the story with them? Are they like Doom? Cos that's how I imagine them.
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    Just checked the tracklisting on forgot about Terrorizer, Filthy Christians, Intense Degree (!), Morbid Angel and Entombed. Magnificent stuff. I'd love to get my hands on a copy of the Fleshloop 7". I have the songs taped....Straight to your heart is so good. I have a soft...
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    main Don't know that much about them....Robert Hampson out of Loop is in Main. I have their first album, Dry Stone Feed. It's great, kind of like Loop, but a bit more chopped up electronic sounding, veering towards ambient stuff occasionally. Calla's drummer did something with them, and...
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    The Jimmy Cake this Saturday

    I was unable to move on Saturday so I sat in front of the telly while the Eurovision drama played itself out. I'm down a fiver though cos I stupidly picked the best song (Belgium) instead of the worst (Turkey). I am pretty pissed off about missing the Jimmy Cake. I hear them t-shirts is...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    Not a bad band mentioned on this thread so far. Head of David are MONSTERS. Brilliant stuff. How about Fall Of Because? Broadrick's band between ND and Head Of David? I heard it about a year ago, it's angry stuff. First song on From Enslavement = Pure genius. The entire album is great...
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    The only connection sound-wise between Godflesh and Scorn is that Justin Broadrick played guitar on the first Scorn album. It's good, but not as good as anything Godflesh have released. I don't know Dead World. To be honest the only grindcore I can really stand these days is old Earache...
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    Early stuff (first two) is very thick sludgy heavy dubby stuff...later on they chilled out a lot. Logghi Barogghi and Gyral are better than Zander, but that period of Scorn is all very similar sounding.....If you like Zander, then buy Logghi Barogghi. Nick Bullen left Scorn when Mick Harris...
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    . ... !ninjaaaa . .... ^ . .. / III \ . ../ III /_____ ..m IL_______)------ . .... I I W . .... I I . .... I I . .... L L
  15. Burgerbarbaby


    Trinity records.....s closed down now. Can't really help with the request ron
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth is class. The forum used to be hilarious...Nick Bullen and Mick Harris givin it loads. Anyone get the Messiah ep? First two songs are right now my favourite Godflesh songs.
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    [SPOILERS = DEATH] The Matrix Reloaded

    Duurrrrr Ha ha ha! Yeah, it was obvious all along. See, if you rearrange the letters of Neo's name, you get "Luke, I am your FATHER"! And "Smoke Drugs", funnily enough. This is seriously whetting my appetite for seeing the film, even though the consensus is that it's crap. I want to...
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    Jaaaaaaaaayyses Didn't you get to see them in TBMC? Really and truly, if there is a better heavy band out there than Godflesh, then I want to know about them. Cos they DON'T EXIST. And now a moment of silence. Ladies and Gentlemen, Godflesh. R.I.P. Long live Techno Animal...
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    I saw them in Paris a few years ago (supported by Godflesh!). They basically played "In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up [live]" and stuff off Psalm69 and Filthpig...And a friend of mine saw them in Germany a year later and it was a similar story, so I'd say there's a good chance they'll...
  20. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    Wow Lizzie, didn't expect to see you surfacing for a day or two. How's the loaf?