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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    This Thursday: DALEK at WHELAN'S

    Here, post up what everybody said. With names.
  2. Burgerbarbaby


    I don't get this. But the Jazz butcher was pretty crap. Crap like a ninja !ninjaaaa
  3. Burgerbarbaby


  4. Burgerbarbaby


    This sounds AMAZING. Down early, cheeky pint, nice seat, laughing. Is he on his own? Will he be doing the electronic stuff or the sax stuff? Lazybird rules maaan!
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    Gettin your stuff into the iTunes Music Store

    Fair fucks. That's deadly Anthony. Have any of you credit card types used iTunes? Is it any cop? Edit: Have any of you Mac using, United States based credit card types used it? Jayses. Pah. This internet lark. It'll never catch on. When's the European Windows version coming out?
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Ballroom of Romance#17 Friday June 20th 2003

    Dude. Check this shight out: You'll never need sugar again.
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Nina Nastasia + Bob Log III + Lonesome Organist + Neosupervital -> Thursday 26th June

    This sounds like a diddley deadly gig Hag. How's the seating in the Village arranged? Will people stuck behind the sound desk be scuppered for a view? Etc etc, BBB
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Ballroom of Romance#17 Friday June 20th 2003

    1. Bummer. 2. Oh well! 3. It will be a cracker of a gig anyway. 4. Welcome back. 5. How was Sonar? Did Aphex Twin and Bjork do the sex on stage? Did they have a little electrobaby? Was it called Aphork?
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    the Tycho Brahe, Jape + El Diablo - Thurs 12th - The Village

    Don't Fear The Reaper lifted the roof off the place. Brilliant. That song still scares me. B
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    the Tycho Brahe, Jape + El Diablo - Thurs 12th - The Village

    Up to the top for one more shot there.
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    * Papercop mp3 *

    There's a couple of old bands out the back that you could piss on while the boys are working on the Papercop plumbing. Round the back there we have an old Picturehouse and a Carter Twins. But be quick. You'll need an umbrella. It's lashing out.
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Best tribute band name...

    We GOTTA hear them! Seriously!
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    the Tycho Brahe, Jape + El Diablo - Thurs 12th - The Village

    Re: please That link dun't seem to be working. Is that the site for Tom Dunne's show?
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    the Tycho Brahe, Jape + El Diablo - Thurs 12th - The Village

    Ha ha ha! Aoife: Loads of good shit to tell you about NY. We shall convene on Thor's Day. For a pint of mead.
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    the Tycho Brahe, Jape + El Diablo - Thurs 12th - The Village

    DEADLY! What will you be going? Where will you be doing? Y'all getting excited? Thursday is shaping up to be a bleddy great night. Huzzargh!
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Punk aerobics

    Remember punk porn? Now that was a cool workout. ;)
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Tea and Cake with the Queen.

    What he/she said.
  18. Burgerbarbaby


    It's down but not's been going through some slow and painful updates, and will be back on air shortly.
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    the Tycho Brahe, Jape + El Diablo - Thurs 12th - The Village

    I cannot wait. Splendid. [Hijacking the thread] By the way, if anyone's in Galway tonight, we (El Diablo) are playing in Pacino's which is across from Cuba. Come and see us.[/Hijacking the thread]