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  • Before: Feb 19, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
  • Order by date
  1. mc moley

    dun leary gig

    sorry forgot to put that in... the chapel (dun leary college, bakers corner)
  2. mc moley

    dun leary gig

    12th of Feb..... scio bong (could be last gig under that name...or first with a new one?) Kid Blunt Coldspoon conspiracy maybe langdon beck and one more.... cheap beer (3E) stupid college posers bad sound come along!!!
  3. mc moley


    this was by far one of the weirdest gigs ive ever played. think of 40 kids getting off with each other then add bands, baggy trousers and about 60 more kids going nuts. twas a fucking going at it up against the distro table! insane. we did hav a bit of fun though. got treated like...
  4. mc moley


    i got a 5 song ep off willie and it sound real pugety....all the bass lines and guitars are really similar,'d b like the stuff off their album now not the release... born against are ok ive only herd a small bit. and i dont do heroin man.
  5. mc moley

    All Tomorrows Parties

    this isnt in ireland is it??
  6. mc moley

    Favourite song

    most emabarresing cd i bought would be savage garden album....pretty bad.
  7. mc moley

    Distro shopping mall

    everyone brings their own distro to this? or did willie n natalia get shit loads in or something?
  8. mc moley

    Favourite song

    best song: tiffany's 'i think we're alone now.' best alltime artist: bruce springsteen!!!
  9. mc moley


    yeah he mentioned that and i kinda said it wasnt really possible....havnt heard nething bout it since.....when wer u talkin to them?
  10. mc moley


    right tell ya what...ill burn you loads an you burn me loads then we'll hav a nice aul cry together!!! hav u got the leatherface/ hwm split??
  11. mc moley


    is ut getting shut down? bring back the music room!!!!! oh how i loved that place. i actually hqvnt gotten over t closing. ive only been to one of those gigs in the lower deck, its just not the same. ill start going more though....weeler said we can crash in his place rather than getting the...
  12. mc moley


    if i give you a blank cd or tape could you put that american kilcoole band and clairmel on it, cursive too if ya have it. im ok for gunmol. would u b up for that? ill give ya a few zines and patches and shit in return. listen to fiya! they're gainsville but sound more like puget than sbb or any...
  13. mc moley


    good fucking question!!! at the moment it stands at... 10 past 7 foot in mouth (7 inch release) soliders take smack giant killer robots and about 4 other new bands from around the country
  14. mc moley

    Punk Rock Lookalikes

    must name each brothers first name and band to be eligable for the grand prize. terms and conditions apply. kilcoole or greystones people need not apply. this does not affect your rights as a consumer.
  15. mc moley


    lookin forward to hearin that. you listening to anything new these days marklar? oh yeah i have a funny patch ive been meaning to give to you.
  16. mc moley

    For anyone who can watch ITV/UTV

    Tremors is where its at. .|..| !cheezy .|..| the ones without kevin bacon arent as gud.
  17. mc moley

    Punk Rock Lookalikes

    yes i get lost in them myself sometimes :rolleyes:
  18. mc moley

    Punk Rock Lookalikes

    weeler does look like that donkey!! no offence ;) me n ror huh? dunno bout that, maybe. people used to think me n turlok wer brothers maybe that's a closer match. ill give a lifetime supply of never thank a bogul to who ever can answer the following... name all the pairs of brothers in...
  19. mc moley

    For Weeler

    so you playing or wha? need to know soon so if anyone in the band could ring or pm me that'd be great..cheers
  20. mc moley

    Record Shops In The Stix

    atom is pretty decent...bushie from estel owns/runs half of it. dont bother with music city!