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  • Before: Feb 19, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    Summer festival news

    if you wanna do it in july we (kilcoole collective) can supply sum gear. we just got a new p.a. (1000 wts), mixing desk and stage lights and stuff. i think most of us are out of the country in june / aug. with the gear touring around being rock stars get in touch if ur interested :)
  2. mc moley

    cds for sale...

    i dunno i just fiqure ya get all this stuff for free and if ya dont want it anymore...give it away to someone who does....share and share alike no? not many people have the dosh to be splshin out on cds the whole time....maybe a trade is a better idea. anyway there are enough perks to doing a...
  3. mc moley

    pmfs need a lift...

    i shud take a punk point off you for asking for someones autograph!
  4. mc moley

    pmfs need a lift...

    the mental image is really funny....damo boppin away to teenage riot and other such classics....oh damo
  5. mc moley

    anti social behaviour laws

    thats deadly
  6. mc moley

    A Zine Is A Wonderful Thing.

    do u want anymore boguls?
  7. mc moley

    anti social behaviour laws

    did u c the new anti social behaviour laws they brought into manchester.....if you look like your in a gang or aren't white you cant.... wear a wooly hat ride a bike(?) wear body armour (i'll have to flog mine now) are not allowed wear certain colours and all sorts of mad shit. they also...
  8. mc moley

    Free Gig

    yeah it was actually, they made a movie about it i think.
  9. mc moley

    sad news

    we'd love to have the killing spree come down one day....i think turlo was gonna ask u for the 4th of april gig....but thats now off....but we can arrange something if you guys want to come down and play? it might just be a basement gig or a very small venue. but shud b a larf......we can pay u...
  10. mc moley

    sad news

    to whom it may concern.....yesterday we were infomed that we will no longer be able to put on gigs in the kilcoole scout den. there was a huge water bill that has to be paid for and must be resolved....they're trying to pin it on the gigs....which it most definitly isnt (the bill is like 2,300...
  11. mc moley

    cds for sale...

    i dunno it just seems a bit dodgy sellin stuff you get for free but sure who am i to judge, do what ya like
  12. mc moley

    Free Gig

    my dad was on a plane wit him.....does that do it for you?
  13. mc moley

    cds for sale...

    are u just selling all the stuff you've got over the years for reviews n such?!
  14. mc moley


    youd be suprised the amount of things that people throw in the bin in the toilet in the cafe i work in. so far toilet paper used to wipe arses and piss, pissing cones, used tampons etc (there is a sanitary disposal as well!), im just waiting for the day i see two people walk out and ill be...
  15. mc moley

    Bite The Hand That Feeds The Poisoned Food zine.

    what i tried to give you one!!! did i take one off ya? sorry! hold on ill try and give you one now.
  16. mc moley

    Den2.. kid blunt?

    turlok? anybody remember turlok with lovely long hair and grunge t shirts..... about 5 years ago....the nerdlinger crew must remember. do yez?
  17. mc moley

    Bite The Hand That Feeds The Poisoned Food zine.

    phill mentioned it in a late night cuddle. then when weeler nagged on about the details, phil regretted even mentioning it and had to settle for a spoon position type cuddle instead of full on intercourse. you guys!:p
  18. mc moley

    dun leary gig

    just hide cans well cuz they're a bit dodgy with the pouring. pints are 3 euro so they're a bit cheaper
  19. mc moley

    Kilfuckingcoole gig on next Saturday

    chasing amy the soliders take half the spungos giant killer robots and about 3/4 other bands i couldnt be arsed putting up. its a newbie gig (ie bands that not many people have seen) enjoy
  20. mc moley

    dun leary gig

    you shud be ok for id...they served kendo the last time we were there. and he looks pretty young as far as signing in nonstudents...i hope it doesnt happen, they mentioned it but i changed topic would just be a pain in the ass for everyone. so we hopefully wont be asked to.