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  • Before: Feb 19, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    What's the story with the message board layout?

    sure it did.....remember when you said.... Quote: WEELER: ''god i hate ian he shops at top shop. hey anybody read never thank a bogul i hear its real good. sorry getting sidetracked. god ian smells'' that was real funny
  2. mc moley


    dam straight i love my babie killin nestle products. i eat in micky d's everyfuckin day and i have 5 tats of different types of burgers they sell. not to mention the fact i live in a big house and live off daddies back. but ugh oi oi i like fast music
  3. mc moley


  4. mc moley


    could have something to do with the fact that they graced the cover a few months back. and the fact that they all have really nice haircuts. actually i have a really nice hair cut. shit.
  5. mc moley

    What's the story with the message board layout?

    yeah have you not seen the thread where we all rip it outta ya?
  6. mc moley

    Happy Birthday Andy STABMASTERARSEON

    there is no way writing it like that saves time.
  7. mc moley

    iron maiden

    more like suprised....i was an accident
  8. mc moley

    iron maiden

    no im what they call special.
  9. mc moley

    Don't you just fucking hate it when..

    mucus is red already said better than dead plate on your head small brown dead (guy) giv us your bread jamie in bed cant see red (aka colour blind) thought i was dead langdon, fred
  10. mc moley

    What's the story with the message board layout?

    tell ya what owensie ill get a pic of you under my name then you get one of me under yours. then we can have a good ol shag. i can get chep flights off a friend. (always wondered what brazil looks like this time of year!)
  11. mc moley

    iron maiden

    why does it bother you? cuz its an english flag and your irish? or because they're stupid nationalists?
  12. mc moley

    What's the story with the message board layout?

    i like the old way. how do you check your thing that says people call you a dick head? alsowhile were at it someone tell me how to get a pic under my name, and something cool after each of my posts. (the thing under the line after every post) i want mine coffee related. speaking of which i have...
  13. mc moley

    Which DC Hardcore band are you?

    i got faith too.
  14. mc moley


    dont listen to stephen they aint playin wit thrice. be weary of what the young buck says he has a habit of messing around then never telling anyone. lets get em! thrice are a bit on the whiny side of things for me. plus they're a kerang band. and i'd say they're on a major label. that doesnt...
  15. mc moley

    the fight is on...

    ah now listen people twas only a need to get so ''pc'' (<- thats gonna start a fight)! and for anyone who didnt know .... noreen kicked stephen's ass once. fact.
  16. mc moley

    the fight is on...

    right here it is... the thread where you can come and leave sadistic mean messages about people on the site..... i fiqure that the forum is getting to timid....we need some low down and dirty bitchin to get going..... my preditcitions for key fiqures in this department lay on the shoulders of...
  17. mc moley

    Pretty Girls Make Graves

    whens the next zine rhona? we're expecting a cork city special. better get to work!!!
  18. mc moley

    This friggin thing plus bonular ass

    oh yeah stephens zine that seems to be all i hear about.... no mention to the new bogul though!! nobody cares about me and ross any more.....fuck you your getting nothin but humbug. ah no i will have the zines with me at gigs i go to as i have a small but wonderfull zzine distro now...
  19. mc moley

    Pretty Girls Make Graves

    they were also in death wish kids....i didnt really like them.
  20. mc moley


    never mind all that kendo is of legal all you need is his concent.