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  • Before: Feb 25, 2012
  • Users: Anthem
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  1. Anthem


    Re: The Household Charge I see what is happening in Syria and its almost to a tee exactly what happened in Libya. Putin has been a rational and intelligent voice in all of this.
  2. Anthem

    Documentaries thread

    Be great if it was true.
  3. Anthem

    The Household Charge

    Still I won't be paying. I think this is a great opportunity to for us to finally make a statement of some kind. We are not very good at protests so lets just not pay and fuck em. On another note ,fair play to Putin for vetoing the UN last week.
  4. Anthem

    The Household Charge

    Apparently you will not get a household charge because the bill is a statute ie. an Act of Government. That means it will only effect the force of law if you agree to sign the register. If you do consent to this and sign the register then you are legally obliged to pay the household charge. By...
  5. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Neither do I but this guy has seen both versions and evidently prefers the remake. I haven't seen the original and you haven't seen the remake so I suppose we can't really make an informed judgement as to which one is superior. All I know is that I enjoyed the film and thought it was very well...
  6. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    A lot of people prefer the remake and prefer the acting too. I got this comment from Youtube If anybody hasn't watched either, watch the American one. The same director did both, and the American one is definitely just better, despite your shitty hipster instincts that the foreign original...
  7. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    "..this is a film and not real" Exactly, and that is what Haneke wanted us to contemplate ie. our fascination with watching violence on screen.
  8. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The clips looked kinda cool, will give it a miss now.
  9. Anthem

    Leo Varadkar

    That contradicts Lisbon 1 when FF were bending over backwards with free for alls, yet we still voted against it. I think the Irish have become more politically savvy with regards to Europe, if we voted against it, it would be because we now know that Europe does not have the best interests of...
  10. Anthem

    Leo Varadkar

    Lowry and Healy Rae are the epitome of that particular trait as well as the last FF government.
  11. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I agree - Michael Pitt made that film, I don't know about you but I thought the egg scene was very funny. I don't know if that was the intention, maybe it was.
  12. Anthem

    2011-12 Champions League Thread

    I can see Napoli going all the way to the final.
  13. Anthem

    Leo Varadkar

    The sad thing is is that we won't have learned from this and more than likely we will vote back in the same gangsters that got us into this mess in the first place. Remember it was FF who guaranteed the banks, it was FF who ignored warnings from economists etc so it is not entirely our fault.
  14. Anthem

    Leo Varadkar

    We have every right to vote on this, in any case ,don't forget we voted against two European treaties already so that can't be really used as an excuse. Actually it is important that we vote on this preferably with a NO vote because the treaty only consolidates and centralises more power to the...
  15. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    This was a mad film from German director Michael Haneke. He remade the original German version into English and stars Tim Roth and Naomi Harris. It is about a couple and their young son taking a vacation in their holiday home but then come along a couple of polite ,articulate homicidal glove...
  16. Anthem

    Leo Varadkar

    But they are only democratic when the government wants you to vote again and again until there masters in Europe get the result that they want (Nice and Lisbon). Now though the Irish people have wised up to this little ruse, have turned virulently anti Europe and they know damn well that we will...
  17. Anthem

    What's the worst place you've ever visited?

    Sounds very menacing, you were right to follow your gut before a knife went in there!
  18. Anthem

    animated gif thread

    Best og ever.
  19. Anthem

    animated gif thread

    Best og ever.
  20. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    And this guy - Mr hale Bop himself, leader of the Heavens Gate cult.