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  1. Anthem

    Minor complaints thread

    Happens to all my jeans.
  2. Anthem

    Fussball-Tippspiele is now "Football-Betting" is now back online

    (5) To Win Bayern Munich @ 1/3 Win-Draw-Win Nurnberg v Bayern Munich Pending €40.00 Celtic @ 3/10 Win-Draw-Win Celtic v St Johnstone Pending Man City @ 1/4 Win-Draw-Win Man City v Sunderland Pending Tottenham @ 1/3 Win-Draw-Win Tottenham v Bolton Win Real Madrid @ 3/10...
  3. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I wasn't expecting much from this film but it surprised me. if you like prison movies then give this one a go. Good performances from has been actor Dorff and Kilmer. It's about a family man who gets done for killing an intruder and has to survive the brutal American penal system.
  4. Anthem

    winning the lotto

    Match Winners Prize Jackpot Winner Anthem €10,375,420 Liar!!!
  5. Anthem

    forthcoming film trailers

    True enough, even the title sounds very Tartinoesque.
  6. Anthem

    forthcoming film trailers

    I'm looking forward more to Colin Farrells next collaboration with director Martin McDonagh..can't remember the name of it but is supposed to have a great cast.
  7. Anthem

    How to put on weight

    Re: How to put on wieght Peanut butter sandwiches and a glass of milk before you go to bed.
  8. Anthem

    Songs that leave you blubbering like a child.
  9. Anthem

    Is there an 'Everton thread everyone loves them' thread?

    I agree and he is one player that seems to be singled out a lot for unfair criticism. He seems to have found his niche with Everton, Moyes utilises his abilities well and the guy can score some cracking goals. Is he going to the Euros?
  10. Anthem

    forthcoming film trailers

    Can't wait for this.
  11. Anthem

    Mad Men Season 5 - Caution: Contains spoilers

    Re: Mad Men Season 5 When will RTE be showing the new series?
  12. Anthem

    Being Nice

    They would be sociopaths.
  13. Anthem

    Disgusting fucking cats

    Problem solved.
  14. Anthem

    Disgusting fucking cats

    Cat repellent,orange peel, or you can save up some of your own piss and use that. The testosterone will scare the cats away and you will also have the pleasure of knowing that it is your own piss and not theirs. Nothing like the smell of your own piss in the morning.
  15. Anthem

    Don Draper - Captain A

    Really chilled hypnotic tune - great work, genuinely enjoyed it.
  16. Anthem

    forthcoming film trailers

    Tim Burton isn't my favourite director but this might be good:
  17. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Snowtown, true story about Australia's infamous body in the barrels serial killer. The most depressing movie out there, in fact I had to turn it off after 20 minutes, couldn't stomach anymore of it.
  18. Anthem

    new liverpool thread - everyone loves them

    Liverpool play better football without him. We play better football when we pass it around a bit. Sorry, but everything about this player only adds negativity to the squad. i wouldn't mind if he could score a goal but he can't even do that.
  19. Anthem

    new liverpool thread - everyone loves them

    Why does Daglish persist with Andy Carroll? He has to be the biggest sack of shite to disgrace a football pitch. Striker!!?? WTF!..the useless turd has absolutely no instinct for goal and he is a lazy spanner. Get Kuyt back in the team Daglish, swallow your pride and admit that you made a...
  20. Anthem

    Probably the most depressing thing you'll read this morning.

    Didn't know that but it has had some security issues hasn't it?