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  1. mickalphabet

    anyone get the new pan sonic album?

    checkin it now also whats the deal with the slowness of the Jega album landing here as well.. in my effort to support dublin record stores i'm getting left behind in Jeganess
  2. mickalphabet

    Féile Le Chéile, Roscommon, August 21 - 23

    no but i was asked to play, by guy running the electronic stage.. that was fine i couldn't do it but i met a guy in galway over weekend who was only aware he was playing after he seen that same flyer.. it didn't bother him all the same as he was happy to do it, but i was curious too know who'd...
  3. mickalphabet

    Féile Le Chéile, Roscommon, August 21 - 23

    i asked the same question its the one and only tony from cork is what i was told
  4. mickalphabet


    if i told you i'd have to kill hover cat and nobody wants that
  5. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

  6. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

    fucking hovercat one is amazing
  7. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

  8. mickalphabet

    pleasant sunshine cheesy organ sounds thread

    recent discovery in brasil .. may i present the great walter wanderly
  9. mickalphabet

    anyone get the new pan sonic album?
  10. mickalphabet

    anyone get the new pan sonic album?

    will it hurt my ears in a nice way or not nice way
  11. mickalphabet

    Deaf Fundraiser

    err that happened years ago.. fortunatly not quite as long ago as singer song writers... ... rock ... metal .... hardcore .... indie .... pretty much everything else
  12. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

  13. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

  14. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

  15. mickalphabet

    Buying Vinyl

    innit, and no bribery involved
  16. mickalphabet

    Buying Vinyl

    norman just started stocking our stuff so go there they are nice people as well
  17. mickalphabet

    Ross Kemp's face folded

    amazing. more please
  18. mickalphabet

    Ross Kemp's face folded

    the home of pictures of Ross Kemps face folded things like this is what the internet was truly invented for
  19. mickalphabet

    More reggae 7"s for sale thanks for lookin, pics to be added shortly
  20. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

    it is