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  1. mickalphabet

    anyone been done by council for bin charges?

    what about calling them saying i've been forwarded this letter from my old house, and say that i moved out 2 years ago
  2. mickalphabet

    anyone been done by council for bin charges?

    Its actually my name, but i never gave it to them or voluntereed it to the landlord, also am only one of 4 people living in the house.. no idea why they chose me.
  3. mickalphabet

    anyone been done by council for bin charges?

    just got our first 'we gonna screw you in court' letter after 3 years of non payment. 21 days or we commence legal procedings, from some company called 'intrum justitia'. anybody gone down this route before?
  4. mickalphabet

    Vinyl: The Movie

    sorry but this movie seems a bit meh certainly no king of kong anyway
  5. mickalphabet

    what i would do the week end if I didn't go to teh picnic thread

    get pissed in my bedroom, but every time i wanted to go into the sitting room to listen to music i'd have to throw my beer out the window and try pick it up from the garden where its been pissed on by a culchie, back thru the muddy kitchen through the Q of 40 people waiting to use the toaster
  6. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

  7. mickalphabet

    warp 20 boxset

    may i recommend one of these sir
  8. mickalphabet

    Onra - live + DJ set in Limerick

    very nice
  9. mickalphabet

    t-woc ar an raidio

    took a bit of a break over the summer, but back in action with my saturday midnight show on raidio na life 106.4fm archived shows at grab the audio! saturdays show looked a little like this Earphone secks (Back in action) game over - jay dee &...
  10. mickalphabet

    New Brasilian Mix!

    Hosted by those groovey cats over at Choicecuts 45 minutes of Bossa nova, jazz, afro and samba enjoy
  11. mickalphabet


  12. mickalphabet

    Galway - this weekend

    it will definitly be raining and there will be a load of studenty looking types drinking out of bottles in brown paper bags down buckfast arch
  13. mickalphabet

    Wobble presents JOKER, Fri 21st August @ Twisted Pepper

    wtf is gaslamp killer doing dancing around with his laptop
  14. mickalphabet

    Analogue launches new online music Tv show

    ok some critique. adrian crowley . .. Really nicely shot for sure, but it was very difficult to make out what he was saying and his music is pretty dull in my opinion - not much of an attention grabber for first section of first issue.. docklands / jimmy penguin this was pretty good, nice...
  15. mickalphabet

    Recommend some good prog rock

    i mostly prog rock out to embryo, hawkwind & magma
  16. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

    yer one from mad men .|..|
  17. mickalphabet

    Venues in Dublin that are free to rent?

    not an official late license as far as i can gather, but a good relationship with store st cop shop that lets it stay open an extra hour or so..
  18. mickalphabet

    animated gif thread

  19. mickalphabet

    !Kaboogie: THE !K CLUB - This Thurs 6th Aug - FREE!

    hangin long island ice teas are 8 euro in czech inn