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  • Before: Jun 16, 2009
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Random Photos

  2. sarah

    I have the horn for...

  3. sarah

    Random Photos

    I got chatting to the lovely guy who appeared on Prime Time when the report came out - he's in a motorised wheelchair now - anyway i had to have a little cry when I left it all. Fair play to all who showed up, thousands of them! la la must spread some rep...etc love the last one x well done...
  4. sarah

    Tolerance for the mundane

    Fried halloumi, if you have time, only takes a couple of mins, you don't need oil, just lob it on a pan, then nice bread, mayo, chives, and whatever else. yum.
  5. sarah

    Tolerance for the mundane

    Smoked tofu (nice really firm kind with nuts and seeds you can buy in wicklow st. or healthy food shop on georges st), lettuce mayo, yellow pepper, scallion.
  6. sarah

    Random Photos

    The Elbtunnel under the Elbe river in Hamburg. Elbart exhibition annual two day exhibition with loads of amazing artists. Two artists here one with all the bottles Uli Pforr had his birthday party at his stand great fun. Other artist Gjorgji Vecovski.
  7. sarah


    friend and myself brought her 4 or 5 year old and he was grand. it's not scary just a bit creepy. My favourite bit was when my friend starts heckling the fine gael advertisement: 'stop poisoning our kids minds!' and her son joined in. very funny. weird advertisements for a children's film.
  8. sarah


    I enjoyed this, pretty sad Billy Holiday it's also very short. Good for when you just want a quicky.
  9. sarah

    dublin drink link

    Search Alk bank on facebook, similar idea. except you don't have to wreck a mates head.
  10. sarah

    getting ripped for summer

  11. sarah

    Random Photos

  12. sarah

    DVD bargains

    Just grabbed 2,3, & 4 for 33. 90 including delivery thanks! Now fingers crossed the dog doesn't get to them first.
  13. sarah

    Uncool music you love

    Totally popped this shit into my head not quite sure what the connection is, nostalgia prob.
  14. sarah

    getting ripped for summer

    eew, not chunky runners legs, I was picturing nicely tapered, with a bit of muscle and good ankles.
  15. sarah

    How to score - Wexford style

    Really? what language, what course? Always thought about doing one of those. How good are you now?
  16. sarah

    getting ripped for summer

    Pool is deadly but hit the treadmills first, running gives a lovely calf. love a man with nice legs!
  17. sarah

    getting ripped for summer

    Or check out youtube, I found good 20 minute workouts through one of the vids there, they's for the ladies but there's loadsa stuff on there. easier if you're following a set routine. 20 minutes in the morn and eve is really doable, I do it before brekki in the morn. still not ripped but I feel...
  18. sarah

    richard dawkins

    What about birthday parties? they seem pretty celebratory and without the need for ritual/ or much ritual if you count the song and the cake. Where is that they have a big funeral party and procession all the way to the grave? They should have that kinda thing over here, but without the whole...
  19. sarah

    An Post Question?

    Jaysis, am definitely tipping our postman this year. He not only never leaves a package on the step, he also puts up with the post being ripped out of his hand by a mental dog, every morning.
  20. sarah

    Photos of your Pets
