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  • Before: Jun 16, 2009
  • Users: sarah
  • Order by date
  1. sarah

    Photo Challenge: Snow!!!

    Phoenix park, lone snowman.
  2. sarah

    Random Photos

    Spectators studentfees protest. If I were to do a street fashion blog, the last guy would be one of my first entries. what a jumper, just says: Oirish.
  3. sarah

    Look on my works, ye mighty,

    ok, none of those are loading up/visible to me. is this like the emperors new clothes, are you all just pretending to see shit:confused:
  4. sarah

    Random Photos

    Whatever you're doing it's turning out great results!
  5. sarah

    Random Photos

  6. sarah

    Random Photos

  7. sarah

    Storing photos

    Jaysis now I'm really worried, gotta get my shit sorted out before I even start thinking about shooting in raw... by the way does everyone here bother? Lala and I were at some photo journalist talk ages ago and most of those guys just shoot in high res jpeg, saying unless you really wanna make a...
  8. sarah

    Random Photos

  9. sarah

    Storing photos

    Re: Random Photos Cheers for the reviews Janer! have ordered already of Calumet (thanks to whoever recommended) not in stock but will be shortly so looking forward to getting it. Think the storage issue warrants it's own thread... La la? I've been reading up about other peoples solutions but...
  10. sarah

    Jaysus cycling!

    I think if I had that my inner Jock would make me tear-ass through town at top speed so as to display my prowess for all to see. Sad I know, but probably true. I can see a burst lung from the effort, thankfully I wear a bag on my back too.
  11. sarah

    Storing photos

    Re: Random Photos This point and shoot, I want to try to do some street photography, but know I'd feel way to shy with anything big and conspicuous. Holding off on buying an DSLR til later in the year. Got out of the habit of bringing my other camera cause the size made me lazy. I'm always...
  12. sarah

    Storing photos

    Re: Random Photos Cheers for the detailed answer Goff! I don't shoot in raw but probably will start once I get the new camera so thought I'll try and work out a system this time round. Janer: I thought I was bad, I do have an external HD but I'm just throwing everything on it and I know...
  13. sarah

    Making the Case for Sweatshops

    Here's a very short survey that's kinda on the topic of ethical consumerism, someone is doing it for a final year project so I guess you'd be helping her by filling it out. (you get entered into a draw for 60 europe shopping voucher) anyway it's short and relevant Hi everyone, I'm looking...
  14. sarah

    Storing photos

    If you're shooting in raw do you not worry about storage after a while? Out of interest how do you guys keep photos organized? mine just automatically go into iphoto, i don't even bother tagging stuff or organising it, but know it's getting ridiculous.. anyone have a deadly system, have you...
  15. sarah

    Making the Case for Sweatshops

    p.p.s if you do buy all your clothes in charity shops aren't you supporting the brand indirectly by walking around looking very cool in your vintage nike/ adidas/ whatever brand you avoided the first time round. p.s. I love thrift stores etc and have found some of my favourite clothes in...
  16. sarah

    Making the Case for Sweatshops

    Second hand knickers,think about it. !bog
  17. sarah

    Making the Case for Sweatshops

    Will somebody please just tell me if I just have to live in fair -trade clothes and vintage stuff? I'm thinking about the Primark sweatshop scandal- and topshop being in the same league-... by not shopping there is one losing some poor person a job? or is shopping there further supporting an...
  18. sarah


    Yep just checked the weather forecast, seems to clear up a bit towards thursday... 18degrees, hopefully it will stay that way, a day of warm sunshine would be deadly!
  19. sarah

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Cineworld on Parnell st. You do get a super fancy pair of 3D glasses. Maybe the effect only works in those imac cinemas or whatever they were called.
  20. sarah


    Deadly, thanks Pete. You;re the second person to suggest Universal so I'll hit that. Disney looks like a week long affair so prob will avoid, I just want to get the bejeesus frightened out of me, so duelling dragons looks like the biz!