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  • Before: Jun 16, 2009
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Richie Hawtin- you are dead to me

    Eeew creepy old man arms.
  2. sarah

    getting ripped for summer

    i didn't mention Polish at all. Personal experience has you equating hairy + speedo with Polish? Last time I was there I had little asian men mocking my swimming technique (flailing) while performing artful butterfly type strokes.
  3. sarah

    Let the Right One In

    Was expecting horrror. got quirky, nicely shot, atmospheric, which is all good. But nothing special, forgettable.
  4. sarah

    getting ripped for summer

    Markiewicz . (spelt totally wrong, too lazy to google) on townsend st. used to do the gym and swim for 6 europes. with uncomfortable moments in the sauna thrown in for free. If you like to be nestled up to hairy men in speedos this is the place for you. haven't been there in years so can't...
  5. sarah

    stopping boozing

    You've got a point there.
  6. sarah

    Ryanair's Baggage & Check In Charges

    Actually, anyone know where to get the proper dimension carry on bag? I just bought a random bag that had a tag saying 'cabin size' when i arrived at the airport I saw it was about twice the size of anyone elses, pure luck that I made it on with it.
  7. sarah

    stopping boozing

    aargh, have a friend like that and actually hate going out with her a) she drinks way faster than me and then buys drinks at a faster rate to try and speed me up. b) she can't just have one, always needs to be pissed to feel like she's having a good time. c)gets really really repetitive because...
  8. sarah

    annoying flatmates

    If you don't like to be touched,sharing a bed is probably not the best option. I too have problem with touching, more specifically huggy type people, it's all right if they're close friends you haven't seen in ages, but some people who are just acquaintances going in for the squeeze freaks me...
  9. sarah

    Digging this !

    the thread for cool effects you found and how they're done: Long exposure when there's strobe lighting. he got some cooler ones but was too lazy to go back and find em.
  10. sarah

    Random Photos

  11. sarah


    yeah I thought that might be the case, gonna ask in cornucopia as they list it in their cook book, I know it must be available somewhere. thanks though.
  12. sarah

    A good Digital SLR to start with

    Thanks for the answer and the offer! My housemate actually has the 40D so gonna get a loan of that for a bit and give it a good go! Had bout the G20 to have a little camera to carry around and realised I actually wanted to start playing around with lenses instead. Or maybe I just want what I...
  13. sarah


    Anyone any idea where to get veggie parmesan or a good substitute? I've asked in all the town health food shops and fallon and byrne type places to no avail. Occasionally I'll turn a blind eye but it kinda creeps me out if I think about it. Tried that vegan stuff, I think it's actually made out...
  14. sarah

    A good Digital SLR to start with

    Cheers guys! So did you notice a massive difference in terms of weight/size when you moved to th 5dmkII from the 450D? Was it worth it for image quality? do you miss the pop up flash? Is there any point in even considering the 50D if it was a toss between the 450d and the 5d, the size...
  15. sarah

    A good Digital SLR to start with

    Moose, I remember your cam being a nice size: not too ridiculously bulky compared to some, any idea how the 450D compares size wise?
  16. sarah

    Your earliest memory

    God I hope not.
  17. sarah

    Photos of your Pets

  18. sarah

    Your earliest memory

    when i was about 2, covering our red setter completely in sudocream and then trying to get a nappy on him. Dreamt about it for years after. My mam added the rest, saying they put the dog out the back so he wouldn;t ruin all the furnishings, it started lashing sudocream started melting down the...
  19. sarah

    Random Photos

    maybe shoulda thrown it into the self portrait thread...
  20. sarah

    Thou shalt not take the lord's name in vain

    That's insane!! Whatever happened to the separation of church and state... I know that was always a joke in this country but wtf? This kinda stuff reminds me of yer one Naomi Kleins book where in times of crisis government tries to push through changes in law that would never get through in...