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  • Before: Dec 15, 2015
  • Users: HMD
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  1. HMD


    Does anyone know how to use flash these days? i might have a job for someone that does.
  2. HMD


    i got 23. still got it
  3. HMD

    Bored In Work 672

  4. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

  5. HMD

    Oculus Rift & VR stuff

    Have you seen any good iOS apps for it?
  6. HMD

    Oculus Rift & VR stuff

    Oh yeah. It works well with the iPhone 6. Is your 6+ too big?
  7. HMD

    Oculus Rift & VR stuff

    @pete Have you tried Google Cardboard?
  8. HMD

    animated gif thread

  9. HMD

    Major Complaints Thread

    Cheers Gaz, I'm feeling much better now, just a bit sore.
  10. HMD

    Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens

    That was diddles
  11. HMD

    Kung Fury

    This film looks like it will be the best or worst film ever. The Kickstarter campaign has 630,000 which i'd say is mostly from Scutter and George McFly
  12. HMD

    Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens

  13. HMD

    Minor Pleasures

    Got ok'd from the hospital to fly to desert fest next Thursday.
  14. HMD

    2015 releases worth a listen...

    Can't wait to se them in Berlin next week.
  15. HMD

    Game Of Thrones Season 5

    The picture quality of episode 4 is in bits
  16. HMD

    Game Of Thrones Season 5

    I've watched the episodes but i need to watch them again.
  17. HMD

    iPhone 5 restore - help

    Have you tried a different sim?
  18. HMD

    iPhone 5 restore - help

    You can backup 5gb to iCloud for free, that would cover contacts and other shit. Full backup to iTunes is best though.
  19. HMD

    Game Of Thrones Season 5

    Right i'm starting on them now. I'll report back with spoilers shortly
  20. HMD

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    Thanks all, it looks worse than it feels. My concern now is getting th all clear to fly to Desertfest Berlin in two weeks.