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  1. sweetoblivion

    convert pro tools .ptf to .mp3 help!

    how do I import an audio file from a ptf? sorry this is all completely new to me, I tried opening it in audacity to convert it but it just sounds like white noise :( don't know what you mean about the stem and acid etc. It's not a music track per se, it's like a podcast
  2. sweetoblivion

    convert pro tools .ptf to .mp3 help!

    yep, that didn't work. If pro tools didn't keep bloody well freezing I presume i could go back and convert it, but as I can't...
  3. sweetoblivion

    convert pro tools .ptf to .mp3 help!

    I was supposed to do it aages ago, I have to get it done asap...downloading some converter yoke that may work...or may not! we shall see...
  4. sweetoblivion

    convert pro tools .ptf to .mp3 help!

    If anyone has info on this (I'm sure it's probably very obvious...) I would be very grateful! I need to convert a .ptf pro tools file to Mp3. Pro Tools is continually freezing on my laptop so I can't get back into pro tools. But I have the file on the 'ol laptop but need to know if there's a...
  5. sweetoblivion

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    Cormcoclash is such a lightweight so...
  6. sweetoblivion

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    4 entire roast chickens?
  7. sweetoblivion

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    Nairn's oat & ginger biscuits & a square of dark chocolate Tonight I'm gonna make roasted courgette & peppers in basil pesto on spelt penne. Get in! I :heart: food.
  8. sweetoblivion


    I'm fairly broke, but I'd love to see Omar S.
  9. sweetoblivion

    Google Wave

    did any of ye watch the videos? I didn't. It's like a bigger, more confusing, and annoying, version of gchat.
  10. sweetoblivion


    I'll be wearing my celtic jersey and a moustache.
  11. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    it looks more shiny than white
  12. sweetoblivion

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    Found it! Let's have a go of this thread again, see how long it lasts. So far, porridge with seeds & honey & a bit of raw cacao for brekkie. Lunch will be sweet potato falafels in lettuce wraps and sweet chilli & lime sauce
  13. sweetoblivion

    expectant parents of thumped

    Pinback is a lovely name ;)
  14. sweetoblivion

    Where to buy fresh soya beans?

    I thought that was more about processed soya rather than the beans themselves?
  15. sweetoblivion

    Where to buy fresh soya beans?

    no probs...I've never seen them fresh, presumably because they aren't grown here maybe? I could be wrong on that though! I've never tried them, are they like peas?
  16. sweetoblivion

    hangover rescue technician

    yes, recipe please! :)
  17. sweetoblivion

    Where to buy fresh soya beans?

    I think you can get them frozen in some health food shops?
  18. sweetoblivion

    your favourite albums of the noughties

    Midlake fans unite Gaz! .|..| new album in 2010 apparently! Every time someone posts I see another few albums that were great...fab thread for jogging the ol' memory. Want to add Crayonsmith's 'White Wonder' to my list. Love that album!!
  19. sweetoblivion

    your favourite albums of the noughties

    Great choices daydream_n!!! Agh I hate making these lists, I always forget lots. Off the top of my head...
  20. sweetoblivion

    Foggy Notions Presents King Khan & The Shrines, Whelan's, Oct 7

    Same. Sake. Everything always clashes for me. Although I will be interviewing John Vanderslice so it's not all bad. Still. Grrr.