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  • Before: Mar 2, 2006
  • Users: Jim Daniels
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Jim Daniels

    John Peel Biog

    The one written by himself and his lovely wife. Almost finished. One of the nicest books I have ever read :)
  2. Jim Daniels


    How do you stop them falling into your eyes and wreaking havoc..? Permanently blood shot, its a killer...
  3. Jim Daniels

    Lali Puna

    I'm about 2 years off the mark here, but quite like what I heard and am wondering where I should start.... Thanks Jim
  4. Jim Daniels


    Clap Your Hands Say Yeah played a fine version of this on Saturday. Its been in my head all day Blue Blue Windows Behind the Stars..... Great song Good gig too. Boo on tall people though* *no offence to tall posters...
  5. Jim Daniels

    John vanderslice

    Has this dude got the chops? A friend of mine just e-mailed me all excited about one of his albums called Pixel Revolt. She reckons if I dig the likes of Neutral Milk Hotel etc I should give him a go.
  6. Jim Daniels

    Russian Futurists

    Read a nice piece on the Russian Futurists/ Matthew Adam Hart in the current edition of Foggy Notions (smells as good as ever). Are they worth checking out? I could do with something melodic.....
  7. Jim Daniels

    American Edition Music DVDs

    Can they still not be played here? A friend of mine is looking for The Doors Collection: Collector's Edition (1985) and it only seems to be available on Amazon .com (not I know its the Doors...
  8. Jim Daniels

    Songs to listen to while in Labour

    My sister is expecting a baby in November and wants me to make her a mini-disc to listen to while she is in labour. I realise that this is rather bizarre, but a nurse recommended it. Just wondering what to put on it, she wants a mellow one, rather that one with a lot of screaming but also...
  9. Jim Daniels

    Present for New Born Baby

    These baby threads are catching.. My sister is expecting her first baby in November. Any suggestions on what would be a cool present? Not clothes like..!
  10. Jim Daniels

    Clap Your Hands, Say Yeah

    I read a ridiculously good review of this lots debut album. Can anybody endorse the recommendation, cause its mildly heartbreaking to waste money (Animal Collective grrrrr!)
  11. Jim Daniels

    Carpark Space.

    I have an apartment in Inchicore but didn't get a carpark space at the time cause I was wiped clean. Now I need one for me car. There are no spaces available cause the builders did not provide enough per apartment. Anybody know what the going rate for a space (to purchase or rent) is in an...
  12. Jim Daniels

    Arcade Fire sing Maps

    Apologies if this has been posted already. Arcade Fire in session with BBC, performing MAPS by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. And its not bad...
  13. Jim Daniels

    Miller TV ad

    The one with the lad leaving a house, cycling down a street, picking up beer, and cycling down the street again back home. Who sings the song. Poppy number with girl vocals..?
  14. Jim Daniels


    Depends on who is doing it.. Unbelievable Black: White:
  15. Jim Daniels

    On Your Walls

    I need some ideas for stuff to hang on my apartment walls. At the moment I just have old record covers (This Mortal Coil etc) and the odd cd cover/ inserts. Me Ma would kill me if I resorted to posters.... Maybe plain walls with a single mirror is the way to go?
  16. Jim Daniels

    The Left Banke

    Theres Gonna be a Storm: The Complete Recordings 66-69. Just arrived on my desk this morning. I ordered it last week following a suggestion by both Dudley and Old, in a recent thread on the Zombies. Sounds fantastic so far :) Many thanks lads :) 1966-1969: what a time for music...
  17. Jim Daniels

    The Left Banke

    Theres Gonna be a Storm: The Complete Recordings 66-69. Just arrived on my desk this morning. I ordered it last week following a suggestion by both Dudley and Old, in a recent thread on the Zombies. Sounds fantastic so far :) Many thanks lads :) 1966-1969: what a time for music...
  18. Jim Daniels

    The Fortress of Solitude

    By Jonathan Lethem is currently destroying my poor eyes. Can't put it down Brilliant book, great music references, Anybody read any of his other stuff..?
  19. Jim Daniels

    Xfm Dublin

    Anybody know if they are still broadcasting? I've tried tuning in several times recently but all I'm getting is snow... I tried the fancy Boards message board but they were demanding passwords and you know yourself...
  20. Jim Daniels

    Dancing in New York illegal in bars/ clubs without a caberet licence..! Which is most bars apparently Read that in Totally Dublin yesterday and was sceptical so I did Google things.. mad