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  • Before: Jan 10, 2008
  • Users: kavanelli
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  1. kavanelli

    Elliott Smith-New Moon

    Joss told me a story, where he was at an Elliott Smith Gig in Dublin a good few years ago and this guy came out of the Jacks and brushed by him and Joss said out load who the Fuck does that Eddie Vedder wannabe think he is. The Eddie Vedder wannabe climbed on stage. It was Elliott Smith
  2. kavanelli

    Grandaddy/ Grandaddy's beard appreciation thread.

    Jason Lee named his son 'Pilot Inspektor' after the song "He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's the Pilot" He to was a pro skater
  3. kavanelli

    Favourite photo ever thread.

    I love this one by stuart franklin. I managed to meet Stuart about 4 years ago through my flat mate he ended up staying for dinner what a lovely man. Great stories.
  4. kavanelli

    Gigs that your ashamed to have gone to

    That was the first album I ever bought. I was about 10 or 11 and I had a crush on Wendy James. Still have the vinyl.
  5. kavanelli

    Gigs that your ashamed to have gone to

    MC Hammer in the Point with support from SNAP I win :o
  6. kavanelli

    Songs by one band that sound like another band.

    Girls Aloud - Sound of the Underground The wheels on the Bus
  7. kavanelli

    I'm Going to see Lionel Richie Live

    Don't be playa hatin'
  8. kavanelli

    Best of Luck to Dudley and Barb

    Dudley, All the Best to you and Barb with your wedding this week. :heart: .|..| Al
  9. kavanelli

    rarely used insults

    I was walking by the Museum Luas stop 2 skag heads where arguing when Mr. Skaghead called Mrs. Skaghead a "whores abortion"
  10. kavanelli

    Finest Wes Anderson film?

    I voted for Rushmore just over the Tenenbaums. Its a hard one.
  11. kavanelli

    Can you name this band?

    Status Quo are signed to Noise Records, there was me thinking it was Status Quo .|..|
  12. kavanelli

    MP3 fecked

    I have removed the Battery and she still overheats. When the Battery is in it the board that overheats. So she is fecked. I have got a cable to get my data off the HD but now my Issue is what to buy as a replacement player. I loved my iRiver.:heart: :( Any suggestions, stick with iRiver...
  13. kavanelli

    MP3 fecked

    Thanks lads I have a found a cable that will allow me to slave the HD. It's smaller than a laptop HD but I found the cable on ebay and have ordered it.
  14. kavanelli

    MP3 fecked

    I in my half sleep stupid manner plugged the wrong changer into my iRiver and I have blown it. It now won't retain a charge and it over heats when charger in plugged in. It does power up when charger is plugged in for a short time. All my music is still on the hard drive. Is there anywhere...
  15. kavanelli

    'worst lyrics ever' thread

    Blondie - Rapture Toe to toe Dancing very slow Barely breathing Almost comatose Wall to wall People hypnotised And they're stepping lightly Hang each night in Rapture Back to back Sacrailiac Spineless movement And a wild attack Face to face Sadly solitude And it's finger popping Twenty-four...
  16. kavanelli

    Sonic Youth, Part 1

    Jaysus that's a hard one I go with Daydream Nation But Sister and Goo not far behind
  17. kavanelli

    The who to headline t in the park

    Sorry getting you mixed up with the waiting room. Joss dragged me along to one of the tents telling me how great this band was. Which they where, was not to sure if it was you or waiting room. Sorry if I insulted you
  18. kavanelli

    The who to headline t in the park

    Large Mound played Oxegen a few years ago did they not?
  19. kavanelli

    Best songs ever written

    This is Mine
  20. kavanelli

    [unofficial] Thumped Xmas Party - Newbridge Edition

    Living in Newbridge for 3 years still don't have a local Coffeys is not to bad, the whitewater and swifts you may as well be in crap large dublin superpubs !baggyyyy