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  • Before: Aug 14, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    How much...

    is their any bigger kick in the ribs for the try hard school haters who get 2 honors, 5 passes... Peachey little billybarry types in their pastel colours with their new cars and the future's so bright...argh bitter? moi?
  2. rumpus

    How much... I want to stab these hello magazine rich swats in their neckses? answer: much
  3. rumpus

    please, something funny...

    jealous...just cause I can play a mean foot banjo I'm recording an album at the moment with this chick... you know, it's funny, we've wanted to work together for so long and only now have we found the right project. Exciting times. The album will be called "Lorcanzo eats fish gees...
  4. rumpus

    please, something funny...

    get this up ya
  5. rumpus

    Help the Tychos 'get a room'

    Might be worth talking to the central hotel about their bar, or other rooms they have... maybe they's esspensive too buh...
  6. rumpus

    Sherkin Island

    I spent a week there once - a great place. Two pubs - operating outside the law - small population of the nicest, arty dole bludgers. ah, good days. I realise this is no help.
  7. rumpus

    Flash mob in Dublin this weekend

    5 4 3 2 1 54321 chew chew chew chew, chewy caramel 54321 chololate and penauts too! 5 4 3 2 1 54321 54321!
  8. rumpus

    Flash mob in Dublin this weekend

    a jaysus, memes I used to be obsessed with them in college. Now I don't care. I've got the 'don't care about memes' memetic disease.
  9. rumpus

    Ballroom Birthday Bash (Sun Aug 3rd)

    oh jesus oh god I've been exposed. the worst part is I didn't even rap....with real words...I just yelled random syllables into the mike and included the word 'cornflakes' oh jesus
  10. rumpus

    Ballroom Birthday Bash (Sun Aug 3rd)

    It was more of an Homage - for a good Howe fart you need a distortion pedal on yer sphincter and the ambient sound of desert rain. *bbllbrrblb* (sampled toy piano) *bbllbrrblb* I love that man
  11. rumpus

    Laptop stolen

    fuckers if you tell the cops the make and number you never know... of course, I couldn't remember either when it happened to me. I'd been working from home on a nice contract job....and it was all so nice and cushy....until some fucker came into my place when I was at band practice and...
  12. rumpus

    Ballroom Birthday Bash (Sun Aug 3rd)

    What a happy party. Had a great time. Big congradulations to the boyz. Still tired. I also think it woul dbe good if a few more copies of the CD were put in Road records and elsewhere. It's a nice product.
  13. rumpus

    This is where we talk about our favourite R.E.M. albums

    pagent document green hifi Up is lyrically amazing... Stipes development as a lyricist is a great education on the artform...he really has written some excellent stuff 'swan swan hummingbird...' 'run a carbon back test on my jaw' 'I want to cross my DNA, cross my DNA...
  14. rumpus

    willy wonka

    chalrie - yer man from igby goes down? I heard another rumor Nicolas cage was gonna be wonka It's a bad idea
  15. rumpus

    XFM Back on air

    Dont know about you good people, but I'm getting a MUCH better signal than before .....
  16. rumpus

    Veronica Guerin

    Duh!! Don't you know, the General* was her editor. THAT'S the whole bleedin story! * pronounced 'De Jener-diddle'
  17. rumpus

    Bored in Work 57 (Varieties)

    snakey's version of me (fair's fair - he can't post pictures for some reason)
  18. rumpus

    Bored in Work 57 (Varieties)

    Make your own new avatar: this lovely example I made is for snakeybus. He's just dreamy.
  19. rumpus

    N.P.B., A Spaghetti Western @ The Rumble Club

    they got a site? they got empeetree action goin on? mmmmmmm sonic junkies......
  20. rumpus

    He wants a shoe horn...

    the kind with teeth! yeehaw!