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  1. rumpus

    BOXES (AND FRIENDS): Sat Oct 4 Music Room

    Murder at the o.k. chaperdle
  2. rumpus

    BOXES (AND FRIENDS): Sat Oct 4 Music Room

    would ya look at that! they're FLYing houses!! rocking album with lots of wonderful rhythmmmyumyums
  3. rumpus

    amazing! and thank you!

    yeehaw that's ace of bass
  4. rumpus

    best thread ever

    There was a guy on the bus this morning - he was wearing this pair of jeans with the same image stenciled on both knees. The image was a nokia mobile phone (very realistic) and below it was the word 'JAZZ' in big italics. clothes are funny
  5. rumpus

    here hag....

    all loud music can be represented with two sounds: Dvv and Dih Eye of the the Tiger = Dvv. Dvv Dvv Dvv. Dvv Dvv Dvv. Dvv Dvv Dvvvv. Thr A-team = Dih Dih Dih Dih. Dih Dih Dih. D-D-Dih Dih Dih Dih. Dih-Dih-Dih-Dih-Dihhh. oh, and electric guitars go 'niew'. oh, and pianos go 'gling'.
  6. rumpus

    Microphones - help

    egg is a gent and a daycent sort...vouch vouch
  7. rumpus

    here hag....

    girls don't like boys girls like cars and money Dvv Dvv Dvv Dvv!
  8. rumpus

    Bored in Work 66(6)

    since this is the 66 thread I guess now is the time
  9. rumpus

    Two Settler tunes

    I'm glad to hear that, though I hope it's not so much a grower that people abandon it in a forest at night and drive away before they grow to love it.
  10. rumpus

    Fri rOcktober 3rd Hoot Night: 1967 vs. 1987

    :) damn!....and there's me misbehaving all weekend in a log cabin in Longford!
  11. rumpus

    Fri rOcktober 3rd Hoot Night: 1967 vs. 1987

    very nice indeed NOW GET BACK TO YOUR REAL know what I mean ;) ;)
  12. rumpus

    Spirited Away

    with that much gorgeousness going on on screen, I'd avoid subtitles. Like when I watched Cyrano de Bergerac ... I read every word and missed all the good stuff...
  13. rumpus

    Two Settler tunes

    We recorded all but the drums with him and then he mixed it...lots of fun was had.
  14. rumpus

    didn't sinead retire

    never trust a baldy lesbian priest rastafarian stoner devoted mother this is the woman who bought a whole page of the evening herald and printed a statement asking the press to leave her alone. having said all that, when I was 17 I fell in love with her.....and I don't mean I was into...
  15. rumpus

    happy birthday

    I heard about your drinkies in lord eddies, but not till too late.....happily bioanniversary. :)
  16. rumpus

    cupla photies from the wake

    ha ha ha! yep you right pete, you can now expect a big drop off in the thumped attendance of 18 year old horn bag girls... ah well :rolleyes:
  17. rumpus

    We'll stick toblerones up their jacksies

    football = excercise for no real reason = against nature excercise is what you do when you're really in a bind, see? Like when you run to a bank machine from a pub. now, sexercise...
  18. rumpus

    cupla photies from the wake

    THAT'S not my sexy eye
  19. rumpus

    New Corpo Single Friday

  20. rumpus

    cupla photies from the wake

    hee hee pants and snakey look like the hosts of a science show for kids It's called 'Learn or die'