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  • Before: May 19, 2009
  • Users: robitusson
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  1. robitusson

    Black Metal Recommendations

  2. robitusson

    Black Metal Recommendations

    Really looking forward to it. Alcest's myspace says they should have a new one out this year too. :)
  3. robitusson

    Saudi Arabia - WTF?

    /\ Except the Yanks are the ones who support the kingdom.
  4. robitusson

    new propagandhi album.

    God, I thought that cover was dreadful. I presume they were attempting to show their sniggering irony. It's a really weak ending to the album at best.
  5. robitusson

    Discharge in the Sunday Times

    Business as usual from them then I see.
  6. robitusson

    Cobalt - 'Eater of Birds' - essential listening.

    Nice one. :cool::cool::cool: Can't green you for this link unfortunately.
  7. robitusson

    michael jackson auction

    I thought it was 85.
  8. robitusson

    Any chance of anyone bringing Propagandhi over in April?

    They've lost it. The new album isn't the best.
  9. robitusson

    That new Kylesa album then

    That's what I thought too! /\ A Kylesa fan yesterday.
  10. robitusson

    That new Kylesa album then

    That'll learn 'em.
  11. robitusson

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Any good?
  12. robitusson


    I'd pay 11 or 12 Eurobobs I'd say myself.
  13. robitusson

    Photos from the scene

    Jayzus, Keith, haven't heard about him in aaaaaaaaages. What's he up to now?
  14. robitusson

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Spun. It was dogshit. !zed!zed!zed:mad:
  15. robitusson


    Punkz out of MeTaL!!!
  16. robitusson

    FNM: i hoped they wouldn't reform...

    Fucks ache! Prepare for them to drag their rep through the mud.
  17. robitusson

    Happy birthday Beattre

    It's todaaaaaay!!! !ironyyy