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  • Before: Sep 30, 2006
  • Users: mr.blueface
  • Order by date
  1. mr.blueface

    Stza Crack, dates wanted.

    what was the ambulance outside for??, was hardly beatle mania,??
  2. mr.blueface

    Stza Crack, dates wanted.

    haha, heard it all the way from florida did ya? :D when ya back,?
  3. mr.blueface

    Stza Crack, dates wanted.

    didnt understand the attitude the bass player had from the start, telling the crowd not to get up on stage "its not about you guys", i understand not wanting ppl to be messin up the stage but, attitude was uncalled for, but im just nittpicking i suppose.......
  4. mr.blueface

    Stza Crack, dates wanted.

    thought the show was fun, dancing, and everyone was enjoying it, also thought they seemed snobby tho, anyone agree??
  5. mr.blueface

    Mr.BLueface this saturday in fibbers

    were playing fibbers THIS saturday night 7 yo-yo's late bar..... were still looking for other bands to play with us if your into it send me a message or something!!!!! Also were playing in Tower Records on saturday bout 2'bells day,bla bla blaaaaaaaaaaaa come...
  6. mr.blueface

    Mr.BLueface this saturday in fibbers

    were playing fibbers THIS saturday night 7 yo-yo's late bar..... were still looking for other bands to play with us if your into it send me a message or something!!!!! Also
  7. mr.blueface

    Mr. Blueface......record and gigs....

    its been done!!ninjaaaa !ninjaaaa !ninjaaaa
  8. mr.blueface

    Mr. Blueface......record and gigs....

    i know...
  9. mr.blueface

    Mr. Blueface......record and gigs....

    yea it seems to change around quite a bit in places, electronic in places, come see us play if u get the chance sometime and see how wonderfully we dont pull it off,
  10. mr.blueface

    Mr. Blueface......record and gigs....

    hey hey , mr blueface are gonna be bringing out a record next month and will be playing round the place, check out some songs here: let us know what ya think also we are due to play a show mid june in the annesley house as a kinda release thingy !!! cheers!
  11. mr.blueface

    Irish Bands with releasas this year(2006)

    Mr. blueface are bringing a record out in a bit, probley playin gig aswell if we can get any! check (not much but its something)
  12. mr.blueface


    they couldnt organize a wank in the jack's