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  • Before: Feb 17, 2005
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    Ladyfest Dublin in the Media PLUS Art & Film Update!

    check the campain hq i left a note there for ya.
  2. mc moley

    I went to an On/Off gig and saw an amazing band...

    isnt o% compliance = no compliance therefore we are totaly revolutionary and hence a should change our name back? anychance of a breakdown in the campain against compliance? just a little synopsis of the highs nad lows of the campain?
  3. mc moley

    Ladyfest Dublin in the Media PLUS Art & Film Update!

    people give out about everythin on this site.
  4. mc moley

    Which bird has the best tits in ladyfest?

    way to draw attention
  5. mc moley

    hip hop/ punk imalgamation

    jaysus lads relax the caks. i just think its gonna be funny to watch gary rap on a stage and all that craic.....dont be such internet nazis. baldy showed me a song...the one with ''im doing deadly'' in it....good stuff.
  6. mc moley

    I went to an On/Off gig and saw an amazing band...

    news flash: compliance factor has fallen to 12.5. dont worry folks if it falls too far i'll put my foot in it to keep it interesting. this post alone should up us back to 15 so i better keep quiet.
  7. mc moley

    hip hop/ punk imalgamation

    im gettin absolutely pissed and gonna get my break on!
  8. mc moley

    Which bird has the best tits in ladyfest?

    we're down to 15% now....we're using the on off thread for the official polling station. you can vote there.
  9. mc moley

    hip hop/ punk imalgamation

    sorry by gary i ment big g daddy or whatever he calls himself!
  10. mc moley

    hip hop/ punk imalgamation

    how is gary gonna play at that gig w/j church? is he gonna have homeboys spinnin decks or is the music gonna be recorded and played over the p.a.? also does he have a 'crew'? it should be fucking hillarious.
  11. mc moley

    I went to an On/Off gig and saw an amazing band...

    yes it worked!! ross we're down to 15%.....napalm i slute you. you've made eircore a place where redemption is possible....your a gentleman and a scholar. 85 down 15 to go
  12. mc moley

    I went to an On/Off gig and saw an amazing band...

    ross i reckon the more radical we are the more the compliance factor falls..... soo.... insert crass lyrics here:
  13. mc moley

    dead letter dept(can) tour of ire

    bands be warned phill will attempt to try and kill you with molten hot chilli. this way when your dead he wont have to pay you and can start clearing off his massive warned!!!! actually this time it was a lovely spagetti thype thing. nice one yo! fri starts at 3pm and sat is now in...
  14. mc moley

    Binliner Zine

    no he is!!! i got hooked already!!! i dunno i just thought it was a wee bit daft, its not really pro-scene if everyone got hooked on crack! anyway i dont wanna continue on bitching about somebody's just wasnt my cup of coffee thats all
  15. mc moley

    We need a new drummer.

    no it means bush all the way! actually it ment we felt like spas calling our selves no compliance cuz it was cheezy as fuk. we shudda been called 47% compliance. more fitting.
  16. mc moley

    We need a new drummer.

    whats the craic with that signiture of yours!! just noticed that now
  17. mc moley

    R.I.P To Da Rawk

    i really thinkthey should now though cuz there aint anywhere else to get them. but i suppose thats up to bushie......he'd make a killing.....get it....murder city!!
  18. mc moley

    playlist time again...

    murder by death and this shitty band called braid or something along those lines. MBD were ok.....good live anyway, they had a cello player.
  19. mc moley

    R.I.P To Da Rawk

    being a 'punk' buisness is at least better than washing fucking dishes for someone else. given the chance i'd swap being a kitchen porter for a record shop owner anyday! i dont think its nessicarily a bad time for such an opinion as it has been said above as its a fairly civil discusion and...
  20. mc moley


    and how strongly u can hold them!