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  1. T

    What movie did you watch last night?

    also it only came out in 2017, but it already feels historicised — it feels like a movie that comes from a particular historical era, with its particular politics, social realities, cultural presumptions. pre-ukraine, pre-pandemic, etc. only six years old but feels like it could never be made...
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    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Other Side of Hope Aki Kaurismäki doing his deadpan thing has a little bit of a strange stylistic-conceptual glitch in how the story gets told. the finnish side of the story uses familiar Kaurismäki style deadpan absurdity, but the...
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    if anyone’s interested at all in Emmanuel Todd’s perspective on all of this, he just did a long interview with a big french youtube channel, you can watch it all with english subtitles
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    the strangeness of dub

    episode 11 went up recently so great
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    thread for old songs with mad videos you'd never seen til now

    probably also has fairly detailed policy proposals for chinese democracy, too
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    thread for old songs with mad videos you'd never seen til now

    actually it’s about time for axl to run for president, in fairness. I reckon he could lock up the republican nomination by combining the power of nostalgia with a promise to bomb iran
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    thread for old songs with mad videos you'd never seen til now

    something which, once you see it, you can’t unsee it: axl looks like trump now
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    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    that’s what they want you to think. the guy’s got chinese secret agent written all over him. deep cover of being a presbyterian weirdo. perfect.
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    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    at some point the guy is going to have to make a couple of strategic decisions. or maybe he really does just want to spend the rest of his life turning up in a school car park on weekday mornings and being a headwreck for everyone around him.
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    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    my new theory: enoch burke is secretly a deep agent of some kind, on a mission to make opposition to trans rights look as histrionic and absurd as possible not directly a twitter thing but that’s still where I see most mention of this guy...
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    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    keep yapping like this and you’ll really undermine your possible future prospects of being appointed a fine gael junior minister
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    one of the main public figures inside ukraine throughout the whole war has been Oleksii Arestovych. Zelenskyy’s PR guy. you might have heard about how he was fired last week, after he said that the Dnipro missile strike was not deliberate, but...
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    yeah this was part of what made this friend of mine so nervous about doing her work. luckily she’s amazing and is teaching some great students and has been able to step through the minefield most years without any explosions. fair play to julius eastman for trolling the world from beyond the...
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    People Who Died

    Gáspár Miklós Tamás
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    a friend of mine is a music lecturer in the states and has the impossible task every year of teaching students about julius eastman
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    Emmanuel Todd was the guy who accurately predicted the specifics of the fall of the soviet union back in the mid-80s... he says we’re already in world war 3. worth a read.
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I remember reading about how there are often billboards in the washington DC suburbs advertising fairly obscure military toys. they are essentially advertising to an audience of three or four decision-makers that happen to live in the area, but they have to maintain a polite fiction that they...
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    Moving to the sticks

    I barely know anyone in dublin anymore — all my old friends moved out of the city at one point or another over the last decade or so. it makes me a bit glum sometimes when I’m back but there’s not much I can do about it. but good luck with whatever you decide, @rettucs
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    spring time for Heinrich XIII and germany

    plenty of loo-laas in Germany! the main guy they arrested is 71 years old, and it seems a bit undignified to still be trying to overthrow the government in your seventies. at some point you have to hand over to the next generation of Qanon oddballs and nazi clowns
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    Notes on the coming AI-pocalypse

    tried to get it to answer laurie anderson’s question from the beginning of born never asked