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  1. T

    The bands that got away…

    I know someone who was *in the venue* and managed to miss the gig, at least according to his telling of it. most likely because he was busy being mister smooth talk with a lady at the bar
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    German Politics

    germany, mad place altogether next possible big things on the horizon: - wagenknecht splitting from die linke and starting a new party - afd continuing relentless rise, starts forming coalitions with CDU in various bundesländer - german greens having some kind of political nervous breakdown...
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    What movie did you watch last night?

    Tristana not sure what to make of it. the story of how it actually got made is maybe more interesting than the movie itself. someone should make a movie about the making of this movie.
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    was watching the whole thing live on one screen while doing other things on another screen, and even at the time, while not really paying full attention, I thought, whoa, that one dude is getting a bit handsy. but the subsequent saga is pretty depressing. the players are dead right, they should...
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    seems more likely that the ukrainians did this than the russians, wouldn’t you think? after all, it’s ukrainian national independence day tomorrow; “wagner guy dead” is a nice headline for their morning papers or put it this way: if the plane was brought down by a bomb, it’s the ukrainians. if...
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    historical context for this kind of carry-on
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I was thinking a couple of days ago that if the west is truly invested in reversing the coup, they would need to figure out some kind of human-interest emotional angle on it all, alongside the legal and military jostling... and then, today, right on schedule...
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    Hellworld Thread

    saw this ad for an unbelievable hellworld product — combined headphones and air purifying quasi-mask thing
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    interesting watching the EU (mainly france) having a proper freakout about the coup in Niger, which seems quite possibly like the Russian revenge for France supplying SCALP missiles to Ukraine. Niger is a core supplier of uranium to France. can imagine Putin on the phone to Macron right now...
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    Sinead O'Connor..take a fucking bow.

    yeah I had the thought just this morning that in the immediate future, there will there be a new posthumous goldmine cracked open now, selling plenty of sinead stuff — and the more depressing thought that, in the medium-to-longer-term, it will eventually try to turn sinead into a sanitised...
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    Unpopular Opinions

    I saw snow patrol a zillion years ago as the support act for sebadoh, which is about as canonically undergroundy/underachievery a position as it is possible for a band to be. thought they were shite then. I was right.
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    Sinead O'Connor..take a fucking bow.

    I don’t know if it got posted already, but 23-year-old sinead at the grammys with the public enemy logo shaved in her head in 1989 is still amazing to see
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    How do you remember how to play all your music?

    I had a rehearsal earlier today. at the end, I did a voice note on my phone, for the benefit of future me. I walked through one of the songs, part by part, explaining the various bits of info (partly the riffs but also stuff like which pedals are turned on at which points). I know that we won’t...
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    GPT-4 vs GPT-3.5

    Dear @GPThumped, In 2002, Donald Rumsfeld infamously clarified the differences between “known knowns” and “known unknowns” — and then added that there are also “unknown unknowns.” He was referring to the state of knowledge about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but was also explicitly...
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    2023 Albums of interest

    new jackbeast! in 2023!!!!
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    Words and phrases that are soooo...meh! Like meh

    going to a meeting next week which is for “creatives” AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH
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    Just signed up for Threads

    the seven people left on substack notes are in a bad mood right now
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    for what it’s worth, this was by far the best thing I read about the whole saga. some dude on substack. he’s seemingly some kind of russian orthodox religious guy but his analysis is genuinely helpful if you’re actually trying to get a handle on things...
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    this was... actually pretty solid. rare to see an opinion article about ukraine in the guardian that actually provides useful and practical insight — they’re usually extremely ideological when it comes to anything regarding russia
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    they more-or-less reported it straight, and accurately, as it was happening. we really tend to vastly overestimate the extent to which russian media is supposedly some kind of kremlin tool. not to say it’s a wonderland, but the media very much did not tie themselves in knots. a proxy of sorts...