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  1. T

    Hellworld Thread

    in other vaguely-hellworld news, the local government office down the road put up an israeli flag yesterday
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    Hellworld Thread

    yeah I think we’re basically driving ourselves insane. am trying to lower my doses of twitter. I’m so happy to have thumped. honestly really truly.
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    Hellworld Thread

    imagine going back 20 years and explaining to yourself then that in the future you will be algorithmically traumatised by the world’s most horrific videos and that’s just sort of normal now
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    Hellworld Thread

    consistent with decades-long hamas position *against* psytrance
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    Hellworld Thread

    what’s the suggested replacement? oopsie shootie?
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    Hellworld Thread

    was pretty crazy reading about how much friendly-fire incidents there seems to have been among israeli forces — the whole country is profoundly freaked out like they haven’t been in half a century, and that’s seemingly making everyone very trigger-happy
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    US politics

    it’s been a bit confusing hearing yanks talk about this guy and think they’re talking about the shinners
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    this needs to be a netflix series... the story of the modh coinníollach battalion, ground to dust in the third battle of kharkov
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    The Azerbaijani *something* of Nagorno Karabakh

    the title is a bit sensationalist but I thought this was a decent read for outlining some of the basics. the zangezur corridor rail link details were helpful.
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    Hellworld Thread

    so I started reading a bit about the algae situation on lough neagh... and then I ended up reading about how lough neagh is actually not even a public lake, legally. it’s mostly owned by this guy, who is the earl of shaftesbury Nicholas Ashley-Cooper, 12th Earl of Shaftesbury - Wikipedia and...
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    Unexpected collaborations

    took a moment to figure this one out
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I mentioned Legitimniy months back somewhere in this thread, they’re still essential for understanding what’s going on. you can auto-translate their posts in telegram. here’s what they said about the strike. Here’s the original post: What’s also interesting, and was pointed out by...
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I don’t know the truth. What I do know is that the local media reported this as a deliberate strike by the ukrainian army on the town, to create an atrocity. this was in order to ensure that anthony blinken — who had just landed in ukraine on the morning of the missile strike — didn’t try to...
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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    a “russian” missile gets recategorised as an “errant” missile — slightly closer to the truth but still not the truth
  15. T

    Minor complaints thread

    if he fancies being a Medici-esque patron of the arts any time you can let me know
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    I really think that most of the psychology of glinner-esque people is that they found a niche of “cheeky troublemaker comedian” in their teens or early-20s, when it can have a certain charm, and then never realised that being a cheeky troublemaker comedian in middle age involves certain downsides.
  17. T


    speaking of whom, wasn’t germaine among the original crop of trans-related cancellees, a decade or so ago? I presume she stuck to her guns on that one
  18. T


    was at a gig a couple of days ago where one of the bands got thrown out of their own gig for saying pro-palestinian things onstage because the venue is run by german punks who are ardently zionist... what a weird country
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    The bands that got away…

    I never saw the fall, despite multiple possible times when I could have. I mean probably over twenty times when I thought, meh, next time