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  • Before: Mar 31, 2009
  • Users: Scientician 0.8
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Scientician 0.8

    Going out or staying in.

    What the fuck is that thing that makes you think you're gonna miss something amazing on a windy wet friday's evening in Dublin when you'd probably have a better time sitting at home watching shit television or lying in bed selfpoluting?
  2. Scientician 0.8

    Where can I buy John McCormack records on vinyl in Dublin?

    I have loads of his cds but would love to have them on vinyl. Anyone seen them aboot?
  3. Scientician 0.8

    Ever notice...

    when you're looking on dubious sites they have ads that say shit like "Hot girls want to fuck you in Ballintubar"?
  4. Scientician 0.8

    $3 Trillion War It's been a bargain, thousands dead, expensive oil, global malcontent all for just 3 fucking trillion dollars.
  5. Scientician 0.8

    All three browsers I have on my comp keep crashing.

    I use Opera, IE and Firefox and they all keep crashing after a few minutes. Other applications seem to work fine. I use mIRC and MSN/yahoo messengers and they've no problems. Anyone know what it might be that would be fucking up every browser? Thanks .|..|
  6. Scientician 0.8

    An Snáth na Gaeilge/The Irish Thread

    Ba mhaith liom a bheith i mo ghaelgoir ach níl móran gaeilge agam. Rinne mé ardleibheal san Ardteist naoi bliain o shin ach ní cuimhin liom aon rud a d'fhoglaim mé ansin. An bhfuil gaeilge agat? Ceard é an gaeilge ar "pricks" agus "show them this thread"? Tá a lán achainní gaeilge le fáil ar...
  7. Scientician 0.8

    Is my site appearing all right? I redid it in green. Is it appearing for you guys when you click the link? I'm a bit confused.
  8. Scientician 0.8

    The Kenny Everett Show

    was on the didgital the other night. Christ, it wasn't in the least bit funny. How come so many people watched that in the dark ages (ie '80s)?
  9. Scientician 0.8

    Bored in Work 295
  10. Scientician 0.8

    Wedding pictures?

    With apologies to Mr. Deaf Ro'. This is the last time I stay in tryna do work on a Friday evening!
  11. Scientician 0.8

    Anyone giving up anything for Lent?

    Well are you?
  12. Scientician 0.8

    How many Cormacs are there on Thumped/eirecore?

    There's me, there's egg, there's Cormcolash (spel?). Who else?
  13. Scientician 0.8

    here you guys...

    are millennium 50ps worth £50 yet?
  14. Scientician 0.8

    Whither Katy French?

    I went away for three weeks and I haven't heard a peep since I got back.
  15. Scientician 0.8

    They've made a Season 2 of Jericho??? Wha'happen????

    Did anyone watch the first series? God, it was shite.
  16. Scientician 0.8

    Best hangover food?

    I feel like a pig shat in my head but I'm kinda hungry. Whatcha recommend (foodwise)?
  17. Scientician 0.8

    What's your favourite love song?

    Here, There & Everywhere - The Beatles .|..|:)
  18. Scientician 0.8

    Anywhere I can download Civ III?

    I can't find my copy of it and would like to play it again. Any ideas where I might find it folks?
  19. Scientician 0.8

    The Wire Season 5
  20. Scientician 0.8

    Anywhere you can watch The Shield online?

    Whatcha reckon? anywhere with streaming eps of The Shield?