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  • Before: Sep 16, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    Kilcoole gig sunday

    there will be another bone ass cd too. feat easpa m. langdon bach, crooky, margin and other posers
  2. mc moley

    Gig on the 2nd

    hey sorry it took me a while to get back to ya but i think we can play alright. if some unforseen event happens ross can always get up on stage with his new 80's styled thing to come out of kilcoole since glenroe. ill try and get a picture soon
  3. mc moley

    Upcoming GZ Gigs

    went and saw the thieving liars a few times when i was over. they're quite good. langdon beck will probably be releasing a 7 song ep at this gig. so please come to it. AUG 19th. Belfast is on the 21st, thanks to phill!
  4. mc moley

    Never Thank a Bogul 3...out now!

    does anybody know if there is any copies in red ink or secret book and rec? im gonna be doing a bit of running around this week and might need to throw a few into the capital. dont worry weeler the never thank a bogul cop killer edition is next. its all about the various ways to kill a cop with...
  5. mc moley

    Gig on the 2nd

    i just got back tonight, so ill check with the lads and see what we can do. will let ya know asap. ill try and bring the distro but its a bit depleted at the moment.....maybe erin will bring hers?
  6. mc moley

    Moris Mahony zine Issue 1 out now!

    no, read it and if you think it is you've missed the point. thats all i can say. the world of stephen hughes is a strange one indeed.
  7. mc moley

    Gig on the 2nd

    [email protected] thats theguy. just explainto him the situation and im surethey'd be happy to play.
  8. mc moley

    Gig on the 2nd

    talk to someone in my band and see if they're up for it. its been a good month since we've played toogether though so be warned. dara actually theres another band that emailed me through damo that wanted gigs letme send you they're email address and you can ask them to give ya a demo or something.
  9. mc moley

    Never Thank a Bogul 3...out now!

    im in canadia land now. tis great here. toronto is a cool place. its like a mix of europe and america. hows the gigs been going? ive really missed going to a gig where i know faces at. i've been to a fuck load since ive got over, but its just not the same without your little bearded...
  10. mc moley

    Never Thank a Bogul 3...out now!

    just pm me your address and ill knock down all 3 to ya, then one day in the future if you find out what i look like you can just give me a euro or two.
  11. mc moley

    Never Thank a Bogul 3...out now!

    N.T.A.B 3 is out now. same deal shit stories and things to make us look a little cooler. much thanks to erin who is looking after the distro and printing part of it, with much appreciated help from weeler. i think its in red ink, secret book n rec. and from erin. it actually looks nice for a...
  12. mc moley

    places to stay, shows to see in ireland?

    the squats just all got evicted, but im sure people will let ya stay in different places. best thing to do is go tto a gig, get really drunk with some local people and then they'll put ya up in theres most likely seeing as they're drunk. check out dublin obviously, there'll probably be gigs...
  13. mc moley

    possible Irish compilation cdr?

    cool ill be back on the 26th of june so ill drop it up to ya shortly after that. thanks for waiting!
  14. mc moley


    not sure when he's heading over but ill get his email to ya when i get back. had a good night last night, it was kareoke night in some bar we went to!! the dead letter dept boyz are looking after us well. have fun in the snow yo
  15. mc moley

    guitarists tune in

    hey what happened to your lineup? did u loose someone or just gettin an extra guitarist?
  16. mc moley

    Bush Protest next week

    i dunno he's not too bad after all. everyone over here seems to love him. i think i might just give him my vote.
  17. mc moley


    yo la la i hear your part of some terrorist group calle dthe pink bloc liberation campaign....started by feminist erin t. the police have loadsa shit on you and you fled the country. as for me im real drunk and aout to go to canada tomoro have fun in the snowy alps of new zealand!!! look out for...
  18. mc moley


    good good....nice idea on the whole limited edition demo thing. are you guys playing around this summer then? whats the craic with galway gigs now a days? do you think anybody would be interested in putting on an american band and us (langdon beck) in aug?
  19. mc moley

    punk island 2004 - slovak festival

    speaking of punks with curly mohawks and al that...we went to see none more black (ex kid dynamite band) and one of the lads from the opening band had a big ass curly mo hawk and a big shamrock tatooed to his kneck. i also noticed a restarts patch on him, i guessed not many people knew of them...
  20. mc moley

    possible Irish compilation cdr?

    can you wait till the end of june or the first day of july to get a langdon beck song? ive been trying to get throught to the lads but cant so can i give it to ya when i get back?