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  • Before: Jul 19, 2010
  • Users: Gambra
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  1. Gambra

    DISCHARGE 30TH October Fibbers!

    Classic Discharge are flipping brilliant. Hear Nothing.. is a classic.
  2. Gambra

    Supersonic 2010

    Still more tempted by the LA Free Music Society festival in London. Though Boredoms are pretty much 100% about to be confirmed for Supersonic..
  3. Gambra

    Black Taxi Drivers

    Hey, I've even largely abandoned there for hipinion these days
  4. Gambra

    What IS the most derided subgenre of punk?

    HERE. Can I ban you from your own forum for that?
  5. Gambra

    DISCHARGE 30TH October Fibbers!

    Are modern Discharge actually any use?
  6. Gambra

    What IS the most derided subgenre of punk?

    Christian. horror, celtic/paddy and steam are all the worst kinds of punk. Special mention of course to ska.
  7. Gambra

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Why did they have to cancel Party Down?? Best comedy of the last few years. And ritah, that is Dick from Veronica mars.
  8. Gambra

    I have the horn for...

    What the what is this
  9. Gambra

    DIY Irish HardcorePunk Archive Blog.

    John was a punk??
  10. Gambra


    There's currently 38 guests viewing this thread and the "Visitors found this page by searching for:" secion is pretty big now
  11. Gambra

    Compulsory posting under your real name.

    Someone in the comments for Kotaku pointed out that in the context of WoW it's going to be nightmare for any obviously ethnic or female names that appear. The Blizzards forums are the absolute dregs of the internet at the best of times, I can only imagine how this is going to go down..
  12. Gambra


    Also, if anyone feels like a challenge I started a thread on moshspace with codes to crack: I didn't even know this thing was around the net today
  13. Gambra


    People are getting the same as me and are translating it as "Power of cyberspace" or something like that from Latin or Spanish. Then again as the code is 32 characters it could be anything like a Wi-Fi code or an MD5 hash. Time to break out the rainbow tables.. Not that I would know anything...
  14. Gambra


    A google of the code brings up this page: And that thing is a QR Code which when I ran it through goggles got "Poder Cybernetico"
  15. Gambra

    Comments on Youtube

    This actually did happen though, there was a huge code exploit found with youtube last night and it mostly hit stuff like Justin Bieber and other teen pop songs.
  16. Gambra

    this is england

    Can't wait for it. Milky is alive at least, no one was sure if the alternate ending (with Shaun meeting Milky) was legit.
  17. Gambra

    animated gif thread

  18. Gambra

    mobile users

    Posting this from new HTC Desire and the tapatalk app. Seems to be all his and is better than the mobile version.
  19. Gambra

    cassette tape releases

    The quality thing is definately one of the major things. In the genres where tapes are predominant (noise, drone, synth etc) 90% of the releases are improvised recording sessions or one take demos. Putting something like that out on CD would imply that it's a proper/serious when it's really not...
  20. Gambra

    cassette tape releases

    And realistically, is there any band that anyone here would actually be interested in that are releasing tapes? Any band like Dirty Projectors that release a triple format album (LP/CD/tape) is definately missing the point.