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  • Before: Jul 19, 2010
  • Users: Gambra
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  1. Gambra

    This is as addictive as hell

    Thumped: Oh no, I don't like this at all now. This is something that's only populated by wierdos and perverts. Moshspace: I spent the last two hours chatting to people with a shoe on my head, they loved it.
  2. Gambra

    Bored In Work 400
  3. Gambra

    Dangerous Jobs - Driving the google car...

    It look slike a public park or private property, maybe it was a test run area? Or maybe the Plas Newydd house owners asked them to photo it for publicity?
  4. Gambra

    Head shop fire on Capel St

    I think Gary is right in that it might actually have been drug dealers doing it. If the market for your product is completely disappeared and now they're suddenly able to charge the cheapest possible prices (because they're not importing it up the arse cracks of people or using their own ships...
  5. Gambra

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Just picked this up, eventually, yesterday and am about 40 pages in so far. I can't get into it properly for another while until I finish this blasted thesis but then it's full on into it. Who knew college academics had such steamy sex lives?
  6. Gambra

    Primavera Sound 2010

    Massive Attack were pretty boring when they headlined EP though I don't know how the new albums sounds but I've never been a huge fan of theirs.
  7. Gambra

    Lost Series 6 - expect spoilers immediately after US air date

    Dogen did say she had been taken by the darkness. Though it wasn't 100% confirmed she actually died (which is how they get possessed like Sayid and Locke) it just needs a single flash back to confirm it at this stage.
  8. Gambra

    this new look is crap

    Well at the end of the day it all comes down to what happens at this stage. It may seem unlikely to you but for it to happen would require the stage to happen at this point and if it didn't it would end up seeming unlikely.
  9. Gambra

    Lost Series 6 - expect spoilers immediately after US air date

    Mac? Great to see him back for all of ten minutes. Last seen trying to understand The History of Time.
  10. Gambra

    Lost Series 6 - expect spoilers immediately after US air date

    Most of this were in the scenes with Jack and Dogen.. What is that? It's a baseball. What's in the tablet?? POISON
  11. Gambra

    this new look is crap

    Your kidding right? THink how many hours it must take to get this look right?
  12. Gambra

    this new look is crap

    That thing is nearly 10 years old at this stage. Surprised you can use any of the major sites with it at this stage.
  13. Gambra

    Comprehensive List Of Shit That's Fucked Up After The Upgrade

    That forum is based op phpbb, thumped is based on vBulletin. Two different systems so you can't use that skin/look over here.
  14. Gambra

    It's very quiet lately...

    I see Thumped has hit it's midlife crisis period.
  15. Gambra

    XBox 360

    I'm raging that I won't be able to get Bioshock 2 for another 2 weeks or so due my thesis being in pretty soon. BS1 is one of my favourite games of all time and I loved everything about it and given that the BS2 reviews have been great, I can't wait.
  16. Gambra

    Bored In Work 399

  17. Gambra


    It took me nearly 6 months to watch the final two episodes even though they were right there on my hard drive waiting to be watch. Just couldn't do it.
  18. Gambra

    Lost Series 6 - expect spoilers immediately after US air date

    It's about repeating the same minute or two of footage of Juliet being dragged down the hole by the chains and then setting off the bomb over and over again.
  19. Gambra

    New Aldi pc's-The business.

    Wonder if that monitor has component inputs.. Unlikely but if it did I would snap it up.