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  • Before: Jul 19, 2010
  • Users: Gambra
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  1. Gambra

    You supply the song title

    Can we make up titles or is it nominating covers?
  2. Gambra

    Paddys Day Thread

  3. Gambra

    Peter Graves RIP

    You ever seen a grown man naked?
  4. Gambra

    GGI Line up

    Complan will play to about 3 people on Sunday morning. Or else wake the entire place up.
  5. Gambra

    I have the horn for...

    The tattooed girl on Deal or No Deal at the moment.
  6. Gambra

    Drainland (10" release) 29th April Thomas House

    A Thursday? Bah.
  7. Gambra

    Great thread

    Ah jesus the poor lad.. Nearly 700,000 views for a single thread is impressive..
  8. Gambra

    Website won't send a purchased item... WHAT TO DO???

    Make a claim back via paypal? Has it been more than 45 days? Where's I Is John when you need him
  9. Gambra

    Punk visting Ireland April 23-30

    It's not a joke, the forums over there are a lot more lively than here and most of the bands playing hardcore gigs in Dublin these days post over there.
  10. Gambra

    Fuck You Written In Shit, drummer needed for Australia..

    Ha, that's enough to insult them.
  11. Gambra

    From Ashes Rise
  12. Gambra

    Fuck You Written In Shit, drummer needed for Australia..

    How long does it take to learn drums...
  13. Gambra

    From Ashes Rise

    It's pretty crap.. There's been a leak around for while and the quality of the recordings doesn't really merit a full LP release.
  14. Gambra

    I have the horn for...

  15. Gambra

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Pretty damn great for only 17 minutes.
  16. Gambra

    What television series are you currently making your way through? "spoiler tags not working" Well there you go
  17. Gambra

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Use {SPOILER}{/SPOILER} with [ ]instead of { } code to hide stuff.
  18. Gambra

    Redneck Manifesto - Friendship Pre-Orders up now on Richter Collective store

    Will the album be available at the Limerick gig? And how early is "afternoon"?
  19. Gambra

    Bored In Work 402