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  1. Kermit McDermott

    You know you're getting old....

    TMI egg. T M I You know you're getting old when you are talking about your bowel movements.
  2. Kermit McDermott

    You know you're getting old....

    Ah no, that was for comic effect. I'm a regular guy. Like Damon Allbran from blur. I have quite successfully spread a fake new rumor about a guy in work, that he's so mean he only shits once a week. I hear a lot of people saying it to him now. All it takes is repetition.
  3. Kermit McDermott

    You know you're getting old....

    Yeah, life in general I used to shit multiple times a day. Now I'm lucky if I can manage one a week.
  4. Kermit McDermott

    Rich Arseholes thread

  5. Kermit McDermott

    Dublin Racist Riots

    I missed this from our future presidents "
  6. Kermit McDermott

    You know you're getting old....

    Don't get excited about anything anymore.
  7. Kermit McDermott

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Scream and scream again (1970) Disjointed thriller made by amicus. Basically it's about a mad surgeon, funded by some foreign totalitarian regime who modifies regular humans to create "composites" beings with extraordinary strength and intelligence. One of them escapes and starts killing young...
  8. Kermit McDermott

    It's the Friday 80s Pop song thread

    Adam Ant - Goody two shoes (1982)
  9. Kermit McDermott

    cold/15 mins of slippy fame

    I did one of those years ago. A few drinks on me on an icey winter's night, I hit the ground full force. Luckily I landed on the flat of my back, any other way I probably would have broke something. Even more lucky there was no one around to record it.
  10. Kermit McDermott


    I'm more, meh Christmas.
  11. Kermit McDermott

    Dublin Racist Riots The shiiners probably know a few lads who could police the streets for them.
  12. Kermit McDermott

    People Who Died

    Both gone within a few months of each other.
  13. Kermit McDermott

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    Recent pic of me and my new guitar.
  14. Kermit McDermott

    I have the horn for...

    The wan with the nips I'm waiting for ann post to say "They all have nips"
  15. Kermit McDermott

    Your work situation

    Your don't want to miss out on this incredible opportunity. Hit me up on the patreon.
  16. Kermit McDermott

    Minor complaints thread

    So people can't endure a few seconds of coldness on a toilet seat now? Goddamn millennial, gen z snowflakes
  17. Kermit McDermott

    Dublin Racist Riots

    No way man, Damon Allbran is a regular guy.
  18. Kermit McDermott

    Dublin Racist Riots Its on. McGregor is going to cruise up the quays on his yacht, where a chauffeur driven solid gold diamond encrusted lambo will be...
  19. Kermit McDermott

    Dublin Racist Riots

    Is learning Chinese an option in schools now? Totally off topic
  20. Kermit McDermott

    Dublin Racist Riots

    I can do a good Michael Healy Rae impersonation. Danny is harder to do, its much more feral & you put yourself at the risk of choking.