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  1. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    Over here, taking our jabs.
  2. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

  3. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    Seen heard nothing either here.
  4. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    Here people we are approaching Xmas, we should all be sharing this every day. I have a queueing story from yesterday but will wait until yours has been dealt with.
  5. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    This is a good time to curl into a ball in bed.
  6. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    Its kindof a shit superpower tbh :P who's Von Masoch?
  7. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    Because I've had a chronic pain thing for years and have great pain management skills my dentist asks me if I can be bothered with anesthetic or not. Have opted out a few times. Had a tooth pulled out without it about two years ago.
  8. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    I suppose leopardskin is very in this year.
  9. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

  10. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    There's a lot i'll do for Banana bread in fairness.
  11. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    My patience for people saying things can't be done has worn paper thin over the years. If you know how to do it, or think you can figure out then its down to: Motivational whale office image for life dot jpgif.exe
  12. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    Well I have trigiminal neuralgia. (right) I also have post herpetic neuralgia. (left) My shoulder (left) is out of shape from a crash as is my hip. (left) My ACL is damaged from being hit with a hammer. (left) I go every two weeks from october to march and she just works on whichever of the...
  13. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    I recommend accupuncture for evertything just because it works on two really rare things i have. Well we are online after all.
  14. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    To me it seems rigged to be doomed, the broadband minister is also the climate minister and the minister for Dennis o Brien, it's a politically unmanageable brief and I think it's just given to people to fuck thier careers
  15. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    My acc Clear evidence of the Dail running on cocaine again.
  16. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    I've learned through old man injuries to leave the plane as close to last as possible.
  17. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    +1 to that
  18. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    It reminds me of a mate saying that essentially oxygen was a performance enhancer, as was gravity and they should just have the olympics in space.
  19. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    I was cycling in today (along the west coast mostly). Managed to make the hour but eh, that was work. It is also windy here.
  20. ann post

    Major Complaints Thread

    The shipping company left out the first line of the address on my gf's xmas present and its gone into some kind of mail limbo land.