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  • Before: Apr 2, 2008
  • Users: timbot
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  1. timbot

    Funny-looking guitars

  2. timbot

    Dublin congestion charge.
  3. timbot

    Barry Egan

    Hahaha, well, if you live by the Indo you die by the Indo I guess...
  4. timbot

    random books / long books

    Surely you will be bringing a MAcGyver style Swiss Army penknife complete with built in magnifying glass, reading chair and desk lamp?
  5. timbot

    *****NEWS FLASH*******

  6. timbot

    random books / long books

    Umberto Eco I have no time for, his books are a bit too clever, leaves me cold. The Brothers Karamazov is a great book. It is dense, heavy going but really beautiful as well. Well worth the investment of time and effort! A Suitable boy is a really enjoyable read and well worth getting through...
  7. timbot

    Childhood Photos

    ^ |
  8. timbot

    new level of cuntery from the riaa

    Everytime I read an article like this I think it can't be sustainable. I am sure at some point the music industry will find a way to secure DRM on their music and then there will have to be some form of amnesty followed by sensible penalties for downloading music. But that is madness.
  9. timbot

    What records did you listen to today?

    I was listening to this on the way to work this morning, such a great album.
  10. timbot

    Karaoke Conundrum

    What about that great song from a while back "We be lubbing it, lubbing it, lubbing it, we be lubbing it like that..." People would love it!
  11. timbot

    Karaoke Conundrum

    I don't think people are attempting enough rap: Gangsta's paradise Rapper's Delight Stan That kind of thing. Everyone loves watching people attempt those, right?
  12. timbot

    Karaoke Conundrum

    I sang Blue Monday in front of a crowd before. Bad idea. 3 minutes of dancing, then 2 minutes of singing, then back to dancing.
  13. timbot

    going to cork city...what should I do,where should I go? The structure anyway, has won a few awards, don't know what exhibit is running...
  14. timbot

    going to cork city...what should I do,where should I go?

    And in South Galway and most of the rest of the country too...
  15. timbot

    going to cork city...what should I do,where should I go?

    Touristy things in Cork: the Gaol is actually a great tour and it is worth strolling out to the UCC campus to get a look at the new art museum there. It is pretty impressive. Then I would swing up to Lennox's on the way back into town. Simply the best chipper you will ever eat in. Most of...
  16. timbot

    Bad Days

    Or sexually harass your boss. That could be more fun!
  17. timbot

    Bad Days

    Hahaha, go home and pick a fight with Smellen....
  18. timbot

    To Click Track Or Not To Click Track

    Shaney, I actually couldn't imagine you being bad tempered. The best I can envision is you offering them a slice of homemade cake with slightly less enthusiasm than usual.
  19. timbot

    american apparel website wrist workout Onion article about the extremely hot girls in the American Apparel ads...