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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    Musicians: Do you have to make yourself do music?

    There was a serious point hidden ham-fistedly in the last paragraph by the way
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    Musicians: Do you have to make yourself do music?

    Part of my brain needs to be deep into a groovy drum beat on a regular basis. If I'm not hunting one down I get withdrawal symptoms. And if I've been away from my drums for a while I am aware that I need to put an awful lot of work in, in order to get back to where I can be musically happy and...
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    Selling on Discogs - any advice?

    Ha! I did that too, inadvertently and sober recently. Normally I pay the instant I get the invoice, but the guy wanted payment away from Discogs, so I agreed, then paid two other invoices and forgot to pay his. 9 days go by, subconsciously I'm wondering where the bloody record is, and next thing...
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    Selling on Discogs - any advice?

    Yeah! I've gone for it. Low-level freakin' out over here for the next month until it arrives. Over an album which is highly likely to be terrible :)
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    Selling on Discogs - any advice?

    Thank youse dudes. I got some photos of the record last night, its graded "VG+", and it looks grand. It's not super rare, I think, just doesn't pop up for sale all that often. it's this: Hardy Hepp - Born In The Forest: buy LP at Discogs Has a couple of big Kraut names on it, in the service of...
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Selling on Discogs - any advice?

    Howdy, Another buying question: I've been looking recently at the websites for some of the better/busier sellers on Discogs, and in general it seems that the stuff they sell on their own websites tends to be cheaper than their Discogs listings. Do any of you do your research on Discogs, then...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Adam Curtis' Bitter Lake

    It seems that a lot of the footage was from two film makers, there's more contemporary footage in this one than he normally uses. Watched the rest of it last night...point made, brilliantly. The recurring shots of concerned journalists, teachers and soldiers completely at a loss to relate to...
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Adam Curtis' Bitter Lake

    Deadly thread. I'm about 2/3 way through's on youtube at the moment. First impressions are that it's up to his usual standard. More impressionistic, and the images seem more directly poignant and less flippant than some of his other stuff. He draws a lot of wildly disparate elements...
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'share a song you can't stop playing' thread

    That's exactly right...I think it was the entire I Just Can't Stop It album, with Doors Of Your Heart and Save It For Later off the other two, and a few oddments. I didn't see the setlist online, not sure how accurate my recall it. They did a fierce version of Rock The Casbah (he recorded a...
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'share a song you can't stop playing' thread

    The Beat played on Saturday, they were absolutely brilliant. It was Ranking Roger from the original band, and his son Ranking Junior, and a really good backing of sax, guitar, bass, drums, and his daughter Saffron got up for a few songs. First time seeing them...I plan on not missing them...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Songs that you forgot you loved...

    (Hope it ain't been posted before)
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Meeting People

    :-) (in lieu of the Dropbox stuff I promised!)
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Stage Nerves

  14. Burgerbarbaby


    Right so. Best / worst album? Best / worst song? Best / worst work since Can? Anyone? My favourite Can album changes all the time, right now it's Tago Mago. Delay 1968 has been creeping up a bit lately though. Least favourite is Out Of Reach. I felt like I'd found the Lost Gospels when I got a...
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    Hmph. Spose ;) P.S. @Shaney that tune hasn't been going down well at all. It's 3/4 of Can doing music for a German tv series.
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    Bit o' this:
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    They do tend to only change when it's necessary :) They have lots of that kind of thing, and it's what they'd be perhaps best known for. But there's plenty of more succinct song-based stuff. The entire Ege Bamyasi album being a great example. And this piece of perfectly balanced elegance from...
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    Ha! Are you saying this because you don't get them, but want to get them? I was thinking about writing Patti Smith down in this thread, but then I realised I do get her, I just don't like her much, apart from a few songs. Which is fine. If you do want to "get" them, read some of the interviews...
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Stage Nerves

    Just remembered another one which brings out the cold sweats: We were playing a brilliant little festival in Germany a few years ago. We got to the show-stopper song in the set, which has this great fast backing track groove which I play along to. But it's an odd one, it always feels like the...
  20. Burgerbarbaby

    Stage Nerves

    Mostly I only get nervous in situations I haven't spent the last 25 years rehearsing most standard gigs tend to be ok. Any time I do anything out of the ordinary I have a few flutters...when I started playing with click tracks was one, when I started improvising on stage was another...