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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    Thanks Thumped! Or more accurately, Shane and Pavlos...that was super helpful. I'm on the edge of my seat over here. 3hrs left.
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    I'm finding the whole process quite exciting. One thing I have in my favour is that even though it's old, good enough music, and good condition, I don't think there are many folks who would attach much particular significance to it.
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

  4. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    Like what I mean is can a person who is using a sniping app beat me, without necessarily having a higher maximum bid?
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    Thank you! :) Nowhere else I can get it I's quite old. I've seen it once before, it was very reasonably priced. Four other bids so far. I'm fairly sure it's not going to go for mad money but for the sake of a possible extra few quid I want to make sure it ends up here.
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    Hyiz, Thumped. Some ebay advice needed, much obliged for any help. If I submit my absolute maximum bid, is there any reason why I shouldn't win the auction, as long as someone doesn't eventually trump that maximum amount? I've looked at a couple of sniping advice lists, and it seems that a...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    Jaki Liebezeit Dot Dash - YouTube
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    Yeah, I was hoping to get to that gig in London too. Sad news. I made a youtube playlist of some of his non-Can playing...some of the more fun pop stuff isn't there but there's loads of odd stuff.
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    Steely Dan - Gaucho (1980)

    Bernard Purdie talking about the Purdie Shuffle which he uses in Babylon Sisters. This might have appeared on thumped before...
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    Steely Dan - Gaucho (1980)

    Great album. I burnt out on Aja years ago - I might see how that's going with a trial listen tonight - but I'd put Gaucho second only to Royal Scam. Don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but the serialised short story on the cover of the cd reissues is great. I ended up buying a couple of their...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    The Nostalgia Circuit

    Their reunion (this latter part of album etc) has brought it home to me that I have no need to hear them again. I have utterly worn out whatever love I had for them. Hopefully temporarily. But I love that the world has started listening...they're so much bigger now than they were when...
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Accommodation Wanted NAVAN - House wanted stat!

    A friend of mine is currently living in Navan with her husband and daughter. They want to move out of their place and they are looking for another in the immediate area...anyone know someone in Navan with a place to let? I know there are a couple of people on here who are familiar with the area...
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Made up names for imaginary tribute bands

    Couple of good ones in this...
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Arthur Brown's Brain Music

    So Lucier is contolling/triggering/playing instruments using alpha waves, as if the brain waves were an extra limb, whereas Brown is instead actually manipulating/playing his brain waves as if the brain waves were the musical instrument, and which are then translated into that it? I...
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    Arthur Brown's Brain Music

    Similar enough idea from 1965 by the great Alvin Lucier
  16. Burgerbarbaby


    My attitude to giving up anything is pretty neatly summed up by this tune. Almost 6 months off the bastards, still thinking about them.
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    No Disco Nostalgia Thread

    Arg...right on all three accounts. It must have been "Here Comes The Night". I remember the letter though, it was to Donal and it contained the word "eclectic", used in a very reproving manner. He clearly learned his lesson :) And sher he's never really off the airwaves... The Sunday Paper...
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    No Disco Nostalgia Thread

    A lot of it passed me by at the time too. I remember writing to him at the Eclectic Ballroom to tell him it wasn't very eclectic because they never played Skinny Puppy. But I did watch it all the time. They used to have Bowery Electric on in the background while Donal was talking, much and all...
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Songs where the music consists of one riff repeated over and over

    my favoutite one-riff tune