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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    The WTF Thread

    Anybody hear Varadkar on Morning Ireland today talking about rescuing homeless people from the bad weather? He said (I'm paraphrasing) something about hearing from volunteers that many of the people out in this weather are not EU nationals and may not even be entitled to live in the state, let...
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    Best deadline music?

  3. Burgerbarbaby

    Best deadline music?

  4. Burgerbarbaby

    Tape restoration?

    Anyone know where I would get a 1/4" Revox reel-to-reel tape restored?
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    walton's georges st closing/moving to blanch

    Me last night. Came on to read the Mark E Smith stuff, stayed for the rantz.
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    walton's georges st closing/moving to blanch

    I was on the receiving end of pretty bone-headed rudeness in there a couple of times, the first time I thought I had misheard, so next time I needed something I went back, and got the same. I was scouting around for my current drumkit for about a year, and against my better judgement went in...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    @Cornu Ammonis
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    Nice one! I watched most of this a couple of days's really good. Some great footage from the 80's.The slightly rough sound recording at times only adds to it. Lots of footage of him with hair, which is weird.
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    :) Ah Twitter should be fine again by tomorrow. They're doing a clearout today
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    I think I know who you are so. Gas! I used to read your stuff years ago. Just follied you on Twitter there.
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    I have some nice photos of that gig somewhere...will try to dig them out. E+S=B were superb that night. Z'ev I loved but I think he went down much better in Lazybird, where everyone knew who he was and what the deal was. Youtube is pointless for this kind of music, but I have extremely fond...
  12. Burgerbarbaby


    Good luck...being super busy with finicky stuff is a good help, I found. Getting fit helps too, fit to the point where you're looking forward to going out and doing your exercise.
  13. Burgerbarbaby


    I went back smoking, panicked and bought a Logic vaper. I used it once or twice, despised it, then gave up smoking without it. You have to clean them, charge them, refill them, and "smoking" them is horrible. I used to carry it with me as protection in case I got the urge. It worked, mainly...
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    There was an article in Viz many years ago about Keith Chegwin giving up the drink, under my favourite headline of all time: CHEGGERS CAN'T BE BOOZERS
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    Genuinely sad to hear Z'ev died yesterday. There are a few old Thumped folk who will remember his visits here. Z'EV - Wikipedia
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Fucking love Dawn Foster
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    This never really registered with me...not sure why. I stumbled across the piece below today on the way to somewhere else, it's sad reading. But it's a nice article. Perfect Sound Forever: Chuck Mosley RIP
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    If any of you aren't following this stuff, @lianbell and @gracedyas are brilliant on twitter, both absolutely fearless. Well worth following anyway. This story is the leading example of celebrity creeps in this country right now.
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Gate trustee expresses ‘deep concern’ at Colgan allegations The Arts Council response seems really weak. II don't understand why. If I were the major funder of a company, and I saw practices had been going on which were seriously wrong I think I would be a bit more heavy-handed, to publicly let...
  20. Burgerbarbaby

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Fucks sake..that's shit to hear. Miserable, stone-age bullshit. I've watched a good few of his debates over the years, I thought he was attempting to be a really positive voice for Islam. In a lot of ways he was getting there. The stories in your link are rough, I hope those women get justice...