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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    Modern Classical

    That's great! I wish they'd release a life-size fold-out pop-up Dream House too. Also, forgot to post this when I heard it, it's a lovely documentary about Henry Cowell and his work here. The radical composer who changed American music - Lyric Feature
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    [Jul 7, 2018] The The (Iveagh Gardens)

    My ticket says "U18's must be with an" and then runs out...I guess "adult" is the missing word. So I guess that means it is all ages.
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    [Jul 7, 2018] The The (Iveagh Gardens)

    I'm starting not to be able to wait either! Thank you very much, Mr. 7!
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    [Jul 7, 2018] The The (Iveagh Gardens)

    I'd go for them if none of youse regulars are in front of me?
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    Netflix Bans The Red Pill

    Postscript: Won't be engaging with this thread again. It's an absolute embarrassment. Because a cursory look at the subject of MRA will show what it is as a movement, and how unsavoury its most vocal proponents are. Several of these people are all over The Red Pill as investors and subjects. The...
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Netflix Bans The Red Pill

    See it's this kind of comment that indicates bad faith, to my mind. Why bother saying this? Right. I DIDN'T think it was powerful viewing, to be absolutely honest. I thought it was one-sided unsubtle proselytising on behalf of a flawed movement, as expected. There WERE surprises though - I...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Netflix Bans The Red Pill

    The script is wrongheaded. MRA's ARE cunts. The individual problems do not need the umbrella of reactionary misogynism devaluing them.
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Netflix Bans The Red Pill

    @egg the problem with engaging with racists, and the above MRA argument, is that from the very first you have to trust that the person you're debating with is being sincere. Black Grape is not showing good faith...he is slinging around accusations of disingenuousness when in the very first post...
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    Could genuinely do with seeing a pile-on for this's minor but infuriating. I've already tweeted about it. Negotiating the Future - Kilkenny Arts Festival 09-19 August 2018 I cannot understand how people still give this ruinous weasel a platform - in recent months I've heard him...
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    The Blue Nile - Hats (1989)

    The lamb of god! I look at it as little as possible :) It used to remind me of something off an early Carcass album cover. Just listened to it for the first time in a couple of years yesterday, it's stunningly good. Elegant, groovy, thoughtful, beautifully recorded. Magic. Way better than Hats...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    The Blue Nile - Hats (1989)

    It's music for people who are very close to not being arsed. Any time you don't feel arsed about something, this is the album to listen to. 'S good. The only album which is actually less arsed than this is the Mark Hollis solo album with the weird animal bag on the cover.
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Jaki Liebezeit: Life, Theory and Practice of a Master Drummer
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Just finished the new Can book. It's well written and researched, and basically good but I'm a bit disappointed. It's long, florid album descriptions threaded together with the Can story. It's not one of the really great rock biographies. While there are plenty of interesting nuggets, it's a bit...
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Repeal The 8th Amendment

    This is stunning. I'm going to spend the afternoon (off work today) checking out stuff like this from the No side. It's brilliant to see Waters giving out about the positive and upbeat campaign that the Yes side ran. Nothing more constructive to add to this, really, I had a gig on Saturday in...
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    Repeal The 8th Amendment

    Good post. Yep, hopefully you're right. If I had to to bet, I'd say it will be repealed. I'm very nervous though.
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Repeal The 8th Amendment

    The No voters that I know personally (two family members and three other people who are Christian) are coming from a point of simple homespun "common sense" thinking as they see it. And they all very quickly became fatigued and frightened by the noise of the campaign, and are no longer listening...
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Repeal The 8th Amendment

    FWIW I was chatting to a woman today in Kilkenny who has been canvassing regularly. She's not optimistic. A lot of people wouldn't come to the door, and there was a fair bit of fruitless arguing with No folk. Loads of Yes people too obviously, but her take was Kilkenny is not going to go well.
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Repeal The 8th Amendment

    I listened to a couple of his rants last week, and it occurred to me that for every John Waters there is a Sinead O'Connor. Made me feel a lot better.
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    What gig did you go to last night?

  20. Burgerbarbaby

    What gig did you go to last night?

    Vinyl (free tickets) Seemed a bit mad. Brix, Tracy Thorn (good interview by Sinead Gleeson), Flood, all good. I saw a few minutes of Peggy Seeger, who was cool. Donovan seriously claimed a writing credit for Yellow Submarine, which was funny. Missed Irmin Schmidt's talk but I did meet him and...