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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    Songs that you forgot you loved...

    To briefly digress from The Muppets, here's a loop which could go on forever...
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Hunderby, for the second time. I watched it when it came out and thought of it again this evening. Its one of the best comedies I've ever seen. It's pretty much got everything...really. If you haven't already seen it, give the first episode a shot, you won't regret it. Never heard of...
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    What gig didn't you go to last night?

    Got a text this morning from my friend who said "Gig was great. Chelsea was deadly and Ministry's performance held up the weaker later material fairly well with a few of the classics at the latter part of the show. their drummer was savage". Kinda bummed I couldn't go now.
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    Dublin bus rage thread

    Check that, been using it all day. It's worthy of Fry and Laurie.
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Wow! Total brilliance! Although slightly overshadowing Zorn's playing is the joy of watching the drummer's face for the first minute after Zorn gets up :D
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Things support acts say

    When are you finishing your soundcheck? Doors are in ten minutes.
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    They're all ex members of the Fall (Brix, the two Hanleys and Steve Trafford), playing Fall tunes which they contributed to as well as new stuff. They seem to be going down well with O.G. Fall fans. In another lifetime I'd like to have taken a crack at promoting a show for them...they seem to be...
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    An upcoming gig. And a big opportunity for some energetic young Svengali
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Had to do a WTF myself! John Zorn's Cobra No John Zorn - just a performance of Cobra...which would have been great fun! Really good bunch of musicians there :( I feel VERY out of the loop. I love John Zorn...Masada especially.
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Psych, foreign beats, soul grooves and general exotica thread

    Brilliant thread! don't know if this has been posted before, but it's brilliant.. Not psych, but still deadly:
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Modern Classical

    Never really looked at the proms...I always associated it with plastic Union Jack hats. That's a cool lineup...I don't know most of them.
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    What gig did you go to last night?

    Autechre...of the many times I've seen them, this was the first where I didn't have a few beers on board and wasn't dancing and could hear everything they were doing. It was total deadly buzz from start to finish. I felt like the little green dude in the Autobahn video. They were supposed to be...
  14. Burgerbarbaby


    The last few lines of that are really good...Johnson's source tries an extra-time save. It's very Newspeak, and very Trumpy.
  15. Burgerbarbaby


    He's being interviewed by David Davin-Power down here for the Arts Festival. Can't quite believe it. His continuing rehabilitation is baffling and depressing. Edit: Although I thought his third term as Taoiseach wasn't going to happen. What do I know.
  16. Burgerbarbaby


    Minister for finance, no bank account.
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Modern Classical

    Ah why not is right! I don't know of any other composer who is so rigorous, even Reich doesn't come close. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I love it...I think when a composer has that level of rigour it can make music extremely affecting. Young is a dude who kinda drags you...
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Just deleted my twitter account. Feeling kinda like I did when I deleted my facebook account - too much time working for twitter for no return. It feels very positive. I'm hoping for a massive increase in my attention span and a significant reduction in weltschmerz. It's been five minutes...
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Modern Classical

    I went to one of those Just Alap Raga Ensemble shows in the Dream House in 2012. It was unforgettable. High summer, roasting, all windows closed and no a.c. because they were recording the performance. We (about 25 people) had to sit down on the carpet, and wait for about half an hour. Young and...