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  • Users: Dixer
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  1. Dixer


    While I agree with a lot of the positives mentioned in this thread, ultimatelt I think it was fairly unconvincing. Spoilers etc. The whole bit about Rick Marshall and the creepy scene in the basement, were these tangents not entirely surplus to requirements?
  2. Dixer

    I didn't vote today...

    Still time, nip out and give it to anybody but the PD's. Have a hand in their humiliation. Y'll feel better for it.
  3. Dixer

    Hot politicos

    Damn B!
  4. Dixer

    Hot politicos

  5. Dixer

    Hot politicos

    Unfortunately she's an FG'er (I think).
  6. Dixer

    Hot politicos

    Vote Olwyn Enright No.1
  7. Dixer

    Ghost (Japan/Drag City) with support Seadog + Death To Betamax - Wednesday 16th May

    Re: Ghost (Japan/Drag City) with support Seadog + Death To Betamax - Wednesday 16th M Seconded. Seconded. Like the records like that, the psychy stuff al'ays the best.
  8. Dixer


    When you think about it, I suppose it's quite encouraging that the PD's agenda only reflects that miniscule percentage of the population. Imagine how sweet it would be if they lost 7 seats. Its thoughts like that one that get me through the day. *Dixer dreams*.
  9. Dixer


    Being all politically retarded here, did FF really need the PD's 1% of the last election? Didn't they have 79 seats or something like that? It is completely amazing that such a fringe political element as the PD's have the swing that they do. Representing 1 or 2% of the electorate and they get...
  10. Dixer

    Best outdoor gigs or festivals in Ireland ever

    Was he looking for a cheesburger?
  11. Dixer

    Full live videos for download (Boris, AC, Lightning Bolt, Silver Mt Zion etc)

    Y'probbly saw this already but anyways:
  12. Dixer

    Why Fianna Fáil dominate Irish politics

    Sure aren't FG already running Graham Geraghty in yr neck of the woods? (Which part of Meath are you in?)
  13. Dixer

    why was mitchum banned?????????

    THIS IS SP..... THUMPED! (fckin' sorry, ok?)
  14. Dixer

    nice work, pixelgranny!

    The suits had me install a firewall on your imagination! All that free thinking was wasting the company's cost money! There's a lesson to be learned here. My nephew rocks a Trogdor (The Burninator) shirt. Not sure my sister knows what up with that though. Serious cred goes unrecognised once...
  15. Dixer

    why was mitchum banned?????????

    But only a fool gets killed over capitalisation.
  16. Dixer

    why was mitchum banned?????????

    Caps when you spell the man name. You know, kid, uh, usually when when someone pulls shit like that, my first reaction is, I wanna punch his fuckin' lights out. But you know something? YOU'RE ALL RIGHT.
  17. Dixer

    why was mitchum banned?????????

    Nobody thinks Raw Power's a shit album. Except Mitchum. And he's banned FFS.
  18. Dixer

    why was mitchum banned?????????

    Amen to that brah, Amen. Do I need to read the lameo rep whore thread to get the skinny on his banishment? Prolly gonna skip it.
  19. Dixer

    why was mitchum banned?????????

    Mitchum's the high-falutin' soundin' plagiarist but why'd he get banned? Curious is all.
  20. Dixer

    Ghost news hot off the press...

    Good deal, that last Ghost record is excellent.