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  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Best way to lose a beer belly...

    I think stress is good for loosing weight, keep at it!
  2. sarah

    Best way to lose a beer belly...

    I thought muscle burns more energy than fat?
  3. sarah


    take off your jumper, I find that helps.
  4. sarah

    Jaysus cycling!

    Ah it's a mavic openpro. I was more concerned about getting it back quickly, some of them are soo bloody slow. thanks anyhoo.
  5. sarah

    Jaysus cycling!

    anyone know which bike shop is quickest/cheapest for truing wheels. think some knob must of fallen on it at a party over the weekend and hate going without my bike for any length of time.
  6. sarah


    Aye! I've gotten over the white and just get em out, it's all the scratches and bruises that I worry about now, also possibly due to being irish, mysterious drink injuries. not so ladylike.
  7. sarah


    that'd be because your irish, I've got the same problem.
  8. sarah

    Best way to lose a beer belly...

    I think people have their ideal weight too, I got really strict for about a month or so and exercised madly and stuff but stayed the same weight I have been for the last few years. judging by my clothes anyway. think you can get to a certain point and then the metabolism slows right on down. My...
  9. sarah

    Best way to lose a beer belly...

    Or the girl I saw in the gym who doesn't have enough muscle or flesh on the back of her arm to hold up her skin, who was just starting to work out after probably not eating for a week. v:(.
  10. sarah

    Best way to lose a beer belly...

    Well yeah I eat too much until buttons need to be undone, and I can't move and then the rest goes in the dog, but I notice his neck is looking a bit wobbly these days.
  11. sarah

    Best way to lose a beer belly...

    I suppose it depends, I imagine if you are 6 foot something 100 k a week cycling lad, it would be different from a 5 foot something lazy ass girl who occasionally cycles somewhere.
  12. sarah

    Best way to lose a beer belly...

    seriously start weighing out the recommended portions for food til you get the hang of what a normal portion size looks like. E.g. recommended portion of pasta is about 60-70 grammes which is about a third of a soup bowl when dry, looks like fuck all but always is enough. I always cooked way too...
  13. sarah


    I think it's deadly, wouldn't be up out of bed if I hadn't run out of breathable air.
  14. sarah

    I have the horn for...

    I'd make him give those glasses back to his lil sis.
  15. sarah

    Random Photos

  16. sarah

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    This thread has gotten too normal.
  17. sarah

    Congratulations! You're an Addict

    Addict: Ma will be so proud.
  18. sarah

    Inconsiderate bastard neighbours

    Like this?
  19. sarah

    I have the horn for...

    I didn't know craft talent was a criteria, although I am impressed that she managed to fashion a bikini out of banana skins and guitar strings. She's like the bear Grills of the bikini contest scene.
  20. sarah

    dublin cycle routes online

    or cycle lanes that double as taxi ranks a la inchicore road, when I kindly pointed out to a guard on pushbike that cyclist were having to go into oncoming traffic because of them, he just shrugged his shoulders. Cycle lanes are just coloured in pot holes most of the time anyway.