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  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    5D or 7D

    I wish I could inspire such elaborate insults. people just don't put that much effort into them these days.
  2. sarah

  3. sarah

    5D or 7D

    fricking it's gonna tell me there's no santa.
  4. sarah

    5D or 7D

    the more I look at the site the dodgier it seems, way too good to be true, everything like half the price I've seen it anywhere else.
  5. sarah

    5D or 7D

    Anyone bought from this place? 5DMII for 1253 europes? that's good right? right? had a 7D on it for 8hundredandsomething too. maybe with this lens for starters?
  6. sarah

    5D or 7D

    yeah I don't know, part of it was also that the viewfinder was smaller and dimmer compared to the olympus om -10 which I just got as a pressie, I know it's digital but having the olympus and a perfectly good g10 makes the 5d less attractive. ... which is why Janer was recommending the mii...
  7. sarah

    Processing old film

    When you were 11? photos perfect? I have high hopes now, cause that must have been well in the olden days, when you were a nipper that is.
  8. sarah

    5D or 7D

    it seems fierce heavy compared to 5D and other similar... also checked, the seller is a pro mr pharmacist exclamation exclamation exclamation had a good point regarding use, with such an old camera I'm sure it would be well broken in by a pro.
  9. sarah

    5D or 7D

    Oh for frick sake, why does everyone sound so convincing? I obviously have no mind of my own.... This review has kinda put me off the 5D now
  10. sarah

    The Redneck Manifesto - Smile More

    Great show was jammed too, highlight definitely when they get Anto and Eugene Dillon up on stage to dance for Dillon Family Dancers track, they were great! ..|..|
  11. sarah

    Processing old film

    Gunns could do it, 10er for just the negatives, would've been 30 to print em up, probably all be faded to nothing... we shall see.
  12. sarah

    The Redneck Manifesto - Smile More

    Shweet thanks, that's basically what I wanted to know.
  13. sarah

    5D or 7D

    Great now decisions are made I can get all worried about accidentally buying a flawed camera. When buying my car I got really paranoid because I know nothing about them no way of knowing who's trying to rip you off... obviously not saying your man wasn't overly fussy but he obviously knew how...
  14. sarah

    5D or 7D

    re G10 : Thanks Johnny! Yeah this 5D second hand option with more money for lenses is sounding the most appealing. I bought my old fuji s7000 on ebay and it's still totally fine but would be slightly worried paying that much second hand. it's probably too old to have any sort of warranty still...
  15. sarah

    The Redneck Manifesto - Smile More

    Yeah second that... running times for dublin gig??
  16. sarah

    5D or 7D

    aargh my head hurts. I was referring to 5D classic rather than Mark II I thought part of the point of SLRS was the greater shooting speed compared to a normal point and shoot I have the G10 which is great but can be pretty slow at times.... I think I just need to try out the different cameras...
  17. sarah

    5D or 7D

    true, good bit lighter too. Just saw this in one of the reviews 'Be careful, from what I can tell, and nobody else has shown me otherwise, there is no accessible Raw images available from a Canon EOS 550D camera, only Jpeg. The Raw camera setting is bogus. Maybe there is a plug in or...
  18. sarah

    5D or 7D

    moos and I had a very long and boring (for anyone standing next to us) drunken conversation over weekend, alas I still can't decide nor really remember what was suggested. I guess what I'm really wondering is: is full frame that spectacular or would it be ages before you really noticed a need...
  19. sarah

    5D or 7D

    Are you sure you're not looking at them the wrong way around? 7D shoots movies....5d doesn't also faster continuous shooting in 7D. I guess money on lenses is never wasted one way or another. Think I'll only buy two max, at the rate I read manuals that will keep me going for years.
  20. sarah

    5D or 7D

    here's the dpreview side by side... any thoughts really appreciated.