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  1. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Luas tram system.
  2. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    You could try.. Professional Embalmers
  3. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Something like del monte man ?
  4. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Really crazy guy on Dame St today Man who spent over four hours on six-storey Dame Street building taken away safely
  5. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    The just add a little bit on i depends on the situation as to how much they would decide.
  6. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

  7. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Sorry if we let you down 7 - No tomorrow theres lots of advice on line for interveiws that you could use for meetings. Worst is if the nerves get to you a good thing to do is ask qeustions or clarify only thing that you can do now i think is follow up on what it was about :(
  8. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Some one at the door of a shop who's job it is to just stand there all day and say hello wellcome etc and then when your leaveing See you next time ! Completly stupid.
  9. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    I think its good in a way to be aproached by staff in a shop who also know something about what there selling instead of just being ignored.
  10. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

  11. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Maybe you would be less allergic to a bald cat. 6 Strange Breeds of Hairless Cats : The Featured Creature
  12. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

  13. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Dont eat it keep it !
  14. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Cool adds i supose if your a farmer
  15. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    I used to have very long hair and remember makeing a visit to a barbers he did not have a clue what to do with me they are much more used to a customer who walks in and knows what number blade they want on the razor Nothing wrong with cuting your own hair aslong as you can do a semi decent job...
  16. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Dont know where i put the last of that samdwich ?
  17. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Shit and slow polish rail an estimated journey of 2-2.5 hours taking 5 to 6 through the bad lands including change over via bus. Waking up in a small locked cell in Lodz no idea how i got there being told this is where the police take really drunk people, thank you man in white clothes ! (good...
  18. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Leaving a beer in the freezer to let it cool down only for it to get frozen again !
  19. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread
