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  1. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Fresh figs are the nicest
  2. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    It was not such a big deal since I took some quieter roads and it wasn't a busy time for traffic but I still have to get some lights even if it so people can't be giving out to me. There is nothing worse than someone in car slowing down and rolling the window to have a word when I am on the bike...
  3. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    It's to cold for wearing shorts today which I have been also I need a coat for the winter plus I have been cycling in dark without lights again #hydrolife
  4. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    My coconuts have gone mouldy also rte weather showing the wrong 🌒 phase !
  5. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Poket watches were like the IPhone back in the day
  6. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    The little pocket is for people with an extra tiny hand and jellybeans
  7. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    I am burnt to a crisp and even all blisters I have enough of this heatwave nonsense
  8. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

  9. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Ok then like the Macho Man but perhaps a few hundred million will sooth Maywheathers hurt ego ?
  10. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Isn't it all a sideshow and hype though a bit like taking a Hulk Hogan rant seriously. Apparently the more veiwers of the fight the more Maywheather will earn. I think for his last fight it was 250 million anyway I haven't been following it I saw a headline but couldn't be bothered reading about it.
  11. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    It's so warm and humid
  12. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Will I get an official membership badge and ID card ?
  13. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Is that really your blood ?
  14. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    But probably not as awkward for you if he didn't bother trying to return it to you.
  15. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Thanks barnnet I was just talking to her on the phone a minute ago. Actually I had contacted her on facebook but this phone doesn't let me send or receive messages on that site for some reason but anyway I have her address now and will mail them to her.
  16. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    OK I might try TM on Twitter maybe its no bigy and they can give her new ones.
  17. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    I doubt they do since she got the ticket from ticket master. But I might ask the venue to make a post about it on there FB page. I dont even know if they will even read my message they have thousands of followers. TM are completely uncontactable on any mater it seems.
  18. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    If you can help that would be great. The musical is not until some time the tickets were bought yesterday around noon and I found them crossing the road at William/Wicklow St. The name on the receipt is Fiona McEntee I already contacted one person with that name on twitter who is a visa lawyer...
  19. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread

    Found two tickets to a musical in an envelope on the ground yesterday they cost 120 quid. Now I am trying to find the owner with just there name from the receipt.
  20. hydromancer

    Minor complaints thread
