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  • Before: Sep 26, 2005
  • Users: Alan Remorse
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Alan Remorse

    Books about censorship/video nasties

    any ones ye could recommend? preferably ones that are available readily on the net i already know all there is to know about this subject cos i'm amazing like that still though
  2. Alan Remorse

    History Of Violence

    im totally gibbing myself in anticipation apparently it's cronenberg's best work in years check out ed harris' mangled face!
  3. Alan Remorse

    Murder Set Pieces

    so for anyone who doesn't know, Murder Set Pieces was a movie released last year, directed by Nick Palumbo (who directed "Nutbag," which was a pile of shit in fairness) anyway, i post a lot on horror forums and i've never seen so many fans divided over a movie apparently its the most...
  4. Alan Remorse

    I passed my exams (jammy cunt)

    ha, so after being completely burned in my exams and being sure i'd failed, it turns out i passed afterall! i was so sure i'd failed i enrolled in a night course, that's 300 quid down the drain but hey USA! USA!
  5. Alan Remorse

    Films with deadly stop motion monsters

    stop motion monsters are the fucking shit man, everytime i see that bit in Clash OF The Titans with the scorpions i nearly gib myself anyone recommend any movies with cool stop motion shit in them? im thinking along the lines of the glory days of sinbad movies here
  6. Alan Remorse

    Rollins Band - Lifetime

    SEND MY BRAIN HALFWAY AROUND THE WORLD AND IM SUPERMAN... YOU CANT TOUCH ME this is my tribute to one of the best fucking records ever bought for 5 pounds on vinyl when i was 15 gun in mouth blues is the best song rollins ever recorded
  7. Alan Remorse

    so here i am

    ...first day in a new job and im already sneaking off to go on thumped you maniacs! you blew it up!!
  8. Alan Remorse

    I watched friday the 13th at my grandmother's house and she wasnt into it

    Jason Was in it But only For a minute A watery entrance In the end Made a superstar Of Him And she wasnt into it But she let me watch it anyway Jason Was in it But only For a minute MOTHER VOORHEES GOT HER REVENGE IN THE END
  9. Alan Remorse

    Ever see that episode of home and away where Alf turns into an Aborigine?

    ...or the one where Sally sees the T-1000 morphing out of the fridge?
  10. Alan Remorse

    Pavement Are Reforming!!!

    only joking guyz brucey says "stay cool"
  11. Alan Remorse

    Detonation Are Touring Ireland

    So when My Remorse were over in the UK we played a few shows with a Dutch band called Detonation... they were one of the best bands i've ever seen, and since then i've ripped off pretty much every one of their songs anyway, stylistically they're pretty much just "maiden meets black metal" but...
  12. Alan Remorse

    DJs at Electric Picnic

    can anyone tell me which of the djs at EP are worth seeing?
  13. Alan Remorse

    Man's Best Friend

    christ, has anyone seen this? awful awful "killer dog" movie starring lance henrickson what was he thinking??! has an ill kitten eating scene though
  14. Alan Remorse

    American Football

    been listening to all the old emo bands lately like Braid, Cap N Jazz, Mineral etc, reliving my youth the ones that always stood out for me were American Football. they came along a bit later but were totally amazing think of the first unwed sailor album with vocals any other fans?
  15. Alan Remorse

    Richard Kern

    does anyone have any of this guy's stuff? he directed the little-seen video for sonic youth's "death valley 69" there's a collection of his short films on amazon - worth getting?
  16. Alan Remorse

    Hell In The Pacific

    on RTE1 tonight at 1.15am one of my favourite Lee Marvin movies ever was originally filmed with a much more downbeat ending in which lee marvin is decapitated still amazing though john boorman is a great director... even if he did do exorcist 2!
  17. Alan Remorse

    Your Favourite Sonic Youth *BLANK*

    lets nerd it up what are your favourite SY songs? Schizophrenia: The first SY song i heard and still my favourite Shadow Of A Doubt: Quite simply, beautiful. Diamond Sea: Love the drone at the end Pipeline: Kill Time: everything i love about this band Cross The Breeze: love Kims...
  18. Alan Remorse

    I found the lyrics to a song i wrote when i was seven

    ha, when myself and my friends were wee sprogs we wrote a song about Italia 90, the lyrics to which i found this morning. it goes a little something like this: 1ST VERSE: Packie Bonner, Steve Staunton, Paul MacGrath, Mick McCarthy Andy Townsend, Ray Houghten, Tony Cascarino CHORUS...
  19. Alan Remorse

